Well, I suppose it is time for another update...god knows it's been long enough. Since the last time I wrote I have gotten back together with my girlfriend, moved into a new place, finally got my finances together and have started my new obsession...record collecting. I just got the new Ghost record, this Japanese band, and man, it is pretty great.
The girl is doing well, I am so proud of her...she got a new job, and is doing fantastic at it. I love her so much.
I am working on a new script now, though it is only in the very early early development/research stages. Maybe someday I'll post the scripts up here so you can read them. As if you'd want to...LOL...
Welll, that's about it for now. Have a nice holiday kiddies.
The girl is doing well, I am so proud of her...she got a new job, and is doing fantastic at it. I love her so much.

Welll, that's about it for now. Have a nice holiday kiddies.
Sorry its taken so long been kinda ill!