I don't think he'd guilt trip me. It would just only be a matter of time before he'd be a dick all over again. I didn't dream about him, I dreamt about my uncle who lives with my father. He has downs syndrome. So therefore, I never see him because I avoid my father.
Ummm that's one hot piece of babe I am rather concerned though by the fact that mother thought it essential to spout off stories of Raoul the Egyptian The lovers will be meeting tonight although after team-building scene will be rehearsed tonight and I hope you enjoy yourself with the mighty Imperial League of Lesbos (ill) today and I shall call who I need to, ta ta for now sexy.
i month till freedom eh? your lucky, i have like 1 and a half. and then i have to take a theory exam on the saturday!!!! what! *strokes* *caressess* *rubs*....feel better? i went to chester once, and i think i did a pretty good job at the accent, i reckon i could write, and star in hollyoaks, make it universal, break america!
I'll try to give you more possibly interesting but probably very uninteresting facts as soon as I can!