Thank you everybody for your kind words. It means a lot to me. I'm feeling much better now that the initial shock has worn off. I really had no business being shocked as he was eighteen but it was still a shock.
Oreo liked to hide in garbage bags and grab your fingers when you poked it. He liked to hide in anything actually that might afford him a bit of cammaflauge from which to attack you. He'd hide under the sink in the bathroom and lie in wait for me to wake up in the morning, sleepy and bleary-eyed. As soon as I dropped my drawers to take my morning wiz he shot out of that cabinet like a bullet from a gun and bit whatever exposed flesh he could find.
He loved to stalk my poor dogs too. They'd cry whenever they saw him in his "hunter stance"
But he wasn't always a savage beast. He liked to play soccer with his little toys and steal rolled up socks. I've never heard him hiss, only growl. At night he liked to prowl around and howl like a banshee which always terrified overnight guests.
His favorite thing to do was sleep underneath the 500+ degrees woodburning stove and hardboil his brain. He also liked to sleep behind the little couch. He crawled under there last sunday, curled up, fell asleep, and never woke up.
In a way I'm happy for him. He was looking pretty haggard and I'm sure it was his time to go. My pain is a selfish pain. I feel bad that I won't be able to enjoy his company anymore....
No more kitties for a while (to answer all your questions) I'm not ready for that. However, I do have plans to get two siberian dwarf hampsters and I will also always have rosie. At least for the next twenty-five years if all goes well.
Thanks again for all you support. It really means something...
[Edited on Mar 15, 2003]