This year’s resolution has been tough. I vowed to be easier on myself and to not be such a perfectionist. However, that’s easier said than done. We are only human though, and life is too short to hold yourself to impossible standards!
There are days when I spend so much time, effort, and energy into creating art, but things eventually don’t end up working out due to circumstance or if a bad day comes a knockin’. I then blame myself, but afterwards I realize I can’t control everything. Sometimes things aren’t meant to be, and there’s no use in getting frustrated when you tried your best, cause that’s all that matters!
Understanding and coming to terms with where I need to improve has helped create a mindfulness that aids me when faced with situations out of my control. Instead of instantly blaming myself, I’ve recently attempted to ease my mind by letting go, rationally and emotionally. Accepting the parts of your life you can’t fix and recognizing your worth will give you a new peace of mind.
Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year and 2022 blesses y’all in so many ways! 💗
xoxo Filicity
@missy @lemon @penny