Um what new. Um Amber has started walking properly and I got my nipple re pierced. I think thats about all. What has everyone been up to?
More Blogs
Monday May 05, 2008
Got a call today. I got the job at Traget. Not sure when I start but … -
Wednesday Apr 23, 2008
Ooo I hate the Coles group. Had a interview with Target yesturday and… -
Monday Apr 07, 2008
Hey guys. Well been in Perth for 6 days now and so far loving it. Tho… -
Sunday Mar 23, 2008
So it's my last week in Bristol all I got to do is send off the info … -
Tuesday Mar 11, 2008
3 weeks to go till I move to Oz. I have everything sorted but the mov… -
Thursday Dec 27, 2007
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Friday Nov 16, 2007
Hey everyone I had my op on Tuesday. I have a huge cast on my nose, t… -
Saturday Nov 10, 2007
Hey everyone i'm back. Waves. I have my nose op on Tuesday not lookin… -
Monday Oct 08, 2007
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Friday Aug 03, 2007
Heya guys i'm on the mend and am now back at work . Though still limp…
Um, things are okay for us. K_Rex and I have been exercising lots since beginning of August. I've lost a pant size, built up lots of muscle. I've stalled in losing inches for a few months and haven't lost any pounds, but I'm getting more fit.
K_Rex just shoed some birds out of the roof of our back deck this morning. They were building nests and we really want to finish screening in the back deck. Baby birds would kinda put a stall on that project.
Umm, still working. Sadly. You know, kinda boring things, now that I think of it.