What was the football score on Salvador Dali's Birthday?...
Real Madrid 1 - Surreal Madrid fish
I dressed up as good ol' Salvador for haloween, and realised i really enjoy wearing a long curly moustache...I also heard about the up and coming "drag king" scene in London. Loads of girls with flattened down boobies and false tashes, now that can't fail t be a good time!
What else...I'm learning to draw again, and I love it, again. Don't know why I ever stopped.
I'm telling myself off for not making a more full contribution to the boards and groups, whenever I come on here I'm always kept far too occupied by the pictures...damn those pesky pictures! So if you think I'm being antisocial it may be because I'm busy checking you out...traditionally that wouldn't make it any more acceptable but I have a feeling here the rules are different, and altogether more sensible.
Has everyone heard of freecycle? freecycle.org
Its a very good idea. I got a piano, and they got a piano shaped space, and everyone was happy, it was great!
Real Madrid 1 - Surreal Madrid fish
I dressed up as good ol' Salvador for haloween, and realised i really enjoy wearing a long curly moustache...I also heard about the up and coming "drag king" scene in London. Loads of girls with flattened down boobies and false tashes, now that can't fail t be a good time!
What else...I'm learning to draw again, and I love it, again. Don't know why I ever stopped.
I'm telling myself off for not making a more full contribution to the boards and groups, whenever I come on here I'm always kept far too occupied by the pictures...damn those pesky pictures! So if you think I'm being antisocial it may be because I'm busy checking you out...traditionally that wouldn't make it any more acceptable but I have a feeling here the rules are different, and altogether more sensible.
Has everyone heard of freecycle? freecycle.org
Its a very good idea. I got a piano, and they got a piano shaped space, and everyone was happy, it was great!
But thanks for the words of encouragement. Yes, I don't feel terribly free, either when I'm working or looking for work, and I think that's where a lot of the restlessness comes from.
Oh, and the picture is actually from a friend's wedding (Yes, I wore that suit to a friend's wedding...), which was held in a garden and therefore was a garden party of sorts...
shoes i can do secondhand, but pants are actually the difficult one for me. i'm awfully particular.
i'm glad you've re-taken up drawing, and thanks again.