Current Mood: Something like happy (Heavy Drinking)
Current Song: Keep your enemies close by Woe, Is Me

So I have not blogged in forever and I have my reasons: Mostly me getting out of Af-crap-istan. I have been sightseeing and checking in on all my friends here in Germany. I think they need to party more, or maybe I need more adventurous friends or something....
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Thanks I will be glad to be back in the cities wink
thank you for a nice comment! smile

So yes, I got into the school I wanted. Both of them in fact. All was good for march.

Since there is always no good news with out the bad, I didn't get the apartment I wanted, but that is ok, life does that to me it seems. Still looking, and am leaning towards on that would place me with roommates, which I guess is...
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I am so about to punch one of my bosses in the face... Every time I try to do the job I am doing, he stops me from doing it so he can. Its like if you are suppose to answer the phone and the person you are answering for grabs the phone out of your hand and looks at you like your an idiot...
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Just been having one of those days....

Not the usual but the kind of day where I would like to have someone in my life... I guess just that old lonely feeling. Bah, this feeling happens a lot while sitting in a room in Afghanistan...

I just want to be able to sit with someone and let them know that they are wanted, hold on...
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It will happen...you will meet someone when you least expect it. It will be amazing and scary at the same time... I promise that it is true. Just think..she is out there right now wishing for you. Keep your chin up and stay safe!! smile

I realized today that the internet is way to big for me to try and conquer in a day so why bother? Just one the things about deployments, the days go on and on and nothing new happens, while you are off work... on work anything can happen and that makes the time go by... just sucks that the year doesn't go by faster is...
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Well on the eve of my B-day. I have looked back on my 26 years and come realize a few things...

Here is 10 of them:

1) My friends I made over the years have dwindled fast, so I only keep in touch with maybe a dozen of them.

2) The only people who I talk to most days are the few women in my...
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So I have been gone for almost a month now, so I can update you on whats been going on!

I went home on leave, got to see my mom on her 50th and my godparents, who proceeded to get me fucked up beyond the pale. Then my friends from back home to me out and holy shit I drank way too much. Lets just...
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Why does the time not pass quickly when you are waiting for something?

Only days away, I pray that everything goes the right way. Kind of want to go home...

Soon and very soon I will be home... then the party can begin!!!