I am currently taking the most ridiculous physics course ever. Well it's actually Astronomy. PHY 122 - The Life Cycle of Stars. Get this: for our final project, we have to read a science fiction novel and write a book report on it. A book report. What does this have to do with the life cycle of stars, you ask? I'm sorry, but I haven't...
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Ah, school. Centered around busy work. Just as I remember it.
wow, sounds like a hard course....
with all that reading and what not.
ha!, those silly fuckers.

i got an assignment in my anthro class the other day to 'think about gender and what it means'.
I'm not old, I'll admit. Still, I can feel the effects of aging, mentally and physically, hitting me like a sack of turnips. Big turnips. It's probably a big sack, too. 'Cause I feel too old!

Example #1: I can't drink like I used to.

Not only can I not drink like I used to, I can't drink at all. last night I had three...
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this will be worth a chuckle tomorrow night. wink
ps. Fuck your journal entry because it's true.

When did Space Ghost Coast to Coast stop being funny?

I remember watching that show back in 1997. I used to laugh hysterically at almost every episode. I just rented some episodes on DVD from netfilx and I'm very disappointed. They really aren't that funny. Am I getting old, or was the second season just a low point in the show? Perhaps it's a bit...
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I think you are on to something here. It has nothing to do with you getting old.

I look forward to your email. kiss
i think not.
I stayed up till 3 a.m. last night making a mix of songs that I really like, but have completely ignored until now.

It encompasses a variety of genres/styles, such as folk, world, jazz, etc.

Please let me know what you think.
I've only listened to the first 10 minutes, but I already really like it. I was just the slightest bit skeptical at first because it's not really what I listen to, but it was just so peaceful and so well done. I could picture my self just sitting in a forest looking at the sky. Damn, stupid reality of sitting in an apartment listening to traffic. I'll let you know what I think of the rest of it later.
Where the hell is my remote? My apartment is not that big. How the hell does a remote just vanish?
that mp3 was cool. Outsider folk music rules!
I think I read somewhere that 6% of the time the remote is in the fridge. I might just be making that up though, I can't remember well enough.
My friend called me up the other day, asking me if I'd help him DJ this "Gangsta" themed party. I didn't have to think about it long, before telling him no. But it did get me thinking, why do so many white kids like to co-op cultures through a party format? I mean, it's one thing for a pale, pimply teenager to listen to the...
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let me just say... i LOVE that set you left in my journal. it`s fucking great! it sounds alot like what i would normally do. the one i have up on calgarysoul.com right now is a bit more recent, but along the same lines of my usual. do you have a resident night anywhere? i have relatives in portland, and if there were something for me to do while i was down there that didn`t include sitting on a couch watching t.v., that would make it so much more worth while.
I am what I am in more ways than one.
Some might say I resemble the Sun.

People love me, for I have appeal.
They don't seek my flesh, but what it will yield.

And though I might look old, inside I'm still young.
Holding the key to bounties to come.

What am I?
i love your profile pic..... but i don`t know the answer to you riddle.
The answer to my riddle is the same as the punchline to one of my jokes in the unfunny joke thread.

I'm a n'orange!

Ok it's kind of hokey, but I dreamt it (well, part of it) and I figured I'd better write it down when I woke up.
I only get a professional haircut once or twice a year. The rest of the time I just use clippers to buzz it myself. I needed to get out of the house today, so I figured getting a haircut would be a good excuse. I just moved to the E Burnside/28th neighborhood, so I live by a couple of different barber shops. Do or Dye...
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You could try Rudy's (on Division) for a change. Some pretty hot girls work there, if nothing else.