I'm pissed. One dog died last week (probably killed by a bobcat) and another disappeared today. frown I'm sure going to miss her... Kita was such a special dog. So full of energy and vitality. She had such a great spirit.
Aww I am sorry I will keep my fingers crossed that she comes home... kiss
Well things have been kind of hot in my corner of the world (and I guess most of you are probably feeling some of the same heat too). Thankfully the ocean breeze is beginning to cool things off here by the end of the day, but the temperature is stifling most of the day. Now I don't want to sound like chicken little here, but...
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Our place:

Friday Sept 7th

Dinner at 7pm - show up wheneversmile I think Pete is home from work at 6 so just come when you guys feel like itsmile

See you thenbiggrin
Just remember that who ever is driving has to have valid insurance, registration and License. They also need to stop at the gate and get a pass. All you need is Petes rank and addresssmile See you then!biggrin
You can always put a smile on my face. I honestly didn't know it said go see Cal until I was a teenager...
Well to be honest I have seen better days I got too many answers today to questions I have been wanting to know the answers to but was too afraid the ask. Yes I know this is cryptic but all I ever seem to do is give you my sob stories and I feel bad about that....

I hope you are doing well. Tell me what has been going on in your world...
So here I am, sitting, staring into my computer feeling my eyeballs slowly dry out before they drop from my skull. I can't seem to will myself to go to bed so here I am., bored and tired at 2:30 AM. I've written a few witty things in the current events boards, I've posted at least one comment on a friend's page, and I've even...
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Hmm, I had to add this comment because SG isn't letting me post more then a paragraph... What's up?!?

In other news, it's day 3 of my second house sitting job of the summer (other people go on vacation, I just get to feed their pets and water their plants). On the plus side, I do get unlimited "kisses" from Mr. Big (the in home security system, commonly known as a Chihuahua... Actually he's probably half Jack Russel Terrier, but don't tell him that man!) "Biggy" is such a great pup, even if he's all piratey with only one eye. He's such a hoot, I took him on a walk this evening and he kept stopping to pee so he could leave his mark. Well, somewhere half way through the walk, he'd dried up so was just sort of lifting his leg, strain for a bit, then move on. At some point he must have gotten number 1 confused with number 2 because when he lifted his leg he dropped a load instead! Ok, I'm sure it's not exactly something you wanted to picture, but I thought it was hilarious. Silly little guy! Ok, I'm tired now and I've been able to type at for at least 15 minutes, so I guess, mission accomplished? Right, good night!


This is such a great image from the 60's!
Damned if Big Love ain't the greatest show. I just watched three episodes in a marathon session (HBO On Demand rocks my socks off). Who knew rooting for a family of polygamists could be so fun. Sure its weird, bizarre and a whole host of other descriptively odd words, but I can't help being fascinated (then again, I'm a total Dexter fan too, so maybe...
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LOL, no it isn't. I'm not saying that one is diametrically opposed to the other, just that both are (in my perception) lifestyles that I don't (or can't) fully embrace. On a side note, the 70's rockstar is a kind of inside reference, a joke if you will. I used to actually personify myself briefly (and jokingly) as a 70's pornstar living in the 90's (when nothing could be further from the truth... I wasn't getting any). My brother PiratePete would get it. I DO however have a strong affinity for Bwa-Chick-A-Waka style of funk music (kind of like 70's porn music ala Curtis Mayfield). It's the type of background music I wish I could have for the soundtrack of my life...

So yeah, I guess after all of that, I'd more readily embrace the life of a 70's rocker over that of a god-fearing believer (albeit, I'd probably be O.D. on something and contract multiple STD's before realizing the error of my ways before finding God and then running for public office). biggrin
Loved it...

I can see it now... 2008, the U.S bombs a facility marked "Prosthetic Leg Factory" because it is allegedly being used to manufacture IEDs. Military intelligence reports a likely increase in wheelchair based suicide attacks following the destruction of the factory, so all wheelchairs are to be confiscated and destroyed. Troops are then told to shoot anyone that moves suspiciously, especially people limping, hopping or crawling since they are suspected "insurgents". (They're obviously insurgents because otherwise they wouldn't be missing any limbs since the U.S. does not target civilians.)

I'm still lonely. whatever I don't have the guts to call her, but I know its not my place to be right now. Let's skip the self-loathing this round and think about something more positive then my lack of motivation (I have ambitions, yes, but just lack the self-control to achieve them...)

It sucks being sick in the middle of summer. I've got this terrible cold...
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If it makes you feel any better, yellow/green phlegm means you are getting rid of your cold and should be better soonsmile
Having a cold sucks but having a cold in the summer is the worst, hope you get better soon. I just want to say thank you for all the good thoughts I feel coming from you. You always seem to say what I need to hear. smile
Hmmm - what to say to you. I don't belive in any of those mushy sayings for the most part but the one that seems to work (for me at least) is the "If you love somthing then set it free......" line. Perhaps this friend of yours is the somthing coming back??? I dunno.....I suck at advice - specially about love since up until your brother it just never worked out. All I can tell you is that when you least expect it the love bug will bite you good and life will turn into rainbows and fluffy white cloudsbiggrin I know easier said than done but if I can find love then YOU definately willwink

Keep your chin up - life will get better.......besides you are going to have one bored sister-in-law bugging you to do stuff soon since I am not legal to work yettongue
There, I updated already. That should be good for at least another month or so... (More to be added at a later date, from an undisclosed location). tongue
Awww - that is awsome that you guys had fun at Sea World. I can't wait till we take Poppy and Leo to Disneyland for Christmas. I think it will be a fun suprise for them.....at least I hope so. I loved seeing them excited at the movies so DL should be 100 times betterbiggrin
Yup now its less then 2 weeks, I'm totally stressed out and haven't been sleeping well. I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to get everything taken care of before I leave both at work and at home, I still have a ton of stuff to pack up and go through as well as giving the apartment a nice though cleaning. It's not that its a mess, I just want to make sure that we have a little extra cash coming back from the deposit. Maybe we'll be able to take a short trip or have a nice getaway weekend after I finish up with school with it.
What!?! I'm still here? Yes, I am. So...
here - found this...thought you might like it:

Yeah - not being able to dance really sucked ass but I guess there will always be times later in life that I can dance right?? Glad to hear that the party didn't die with us leavingwinktongue
Thanks mister! She sent me Flowers today!!!