The trellis is all finished now, my brother came over on the 4th and amid much cursing and venting, we managed to hoist and roughly guide it into place before bracing it firmly onto the pole. Here are the final results:
Oblique View

Front View

Detail (nice handiwork, eh?)

And since it looks so nice, I thought I'd add a picture of a flowering hibiscus that is growing by the side of the house.

Oblique View

Front View

Detail (nice handiwork, eh?)

And since it looks so nice, I thought I'd add a picture of a flowering hibiscus that is growing by the side of the house.

I watched the director's cut. I prefer it. I hadn't seen it in years, but it really is an awesome movie. I love the sound track, too. I just borrowed it off a friend, which is what inspired me to watch it again in the first place.
You could just zoom in on the map and switch to satellite view. That will get to your cache site. You'd still have to beat the brush and decipher the clues.