Happy Summer Solstice!
It's been a long time since I last updated my journal so I thought I'd add something new. In the past year I've done quite a bit of travelling including a long drive up along the Pacific Coast to stay to visit with my sister, niece and nephew in the quiet seaside villiage of Manzanita in Oregon. After staying and visiting the region for about 5 months, I headed back home down to Southern California. After a month I boarded a plane headed for Asia and I spent then next 4 months flying, bussing, training and boating around Thailand and Laos (the sunset is actually from an island in Thailand).
Now that I'm back in the U.S., I've had a difficult time readjusting to the hustle and bustle of daily life and identifying with most people in my local community especially as most of my friends and colleagues have moved on to better places and better things. Rather then being discouraged though, I've decided to embark on an altogether different journey, an intellectual, philosophical, environmental, technological and, dare I say it, spiritual, pursuit that I believe will positively change my life and, hopefully, the lives of others.
it was quickly accepted
happy to meet you