Doggy Update: SHE'S HOME!!! It had occurred to me right before going to sleep to call the local animal shelter the following morning (although it would be suspiciously odd that they wouldn't call the phone number listed on her tag if they'd "found" her...)

In other news: I can't wait for Monday night. No, not football, I'm going to a concert to see Air live with my new "special" friend. I'm not sure which is more exciting, the fact that I'm going to the concert, or the fact that I'm going with her... Scratch that, she's way more exciting. I'm so glad she invited me and I thank my lucky stars that a mutual friend introduced the two of us. We've really hit it off and I totally get her, it's as if we are kindred spirits. She's so cool... I should be dancin', yeah! DANCIN', YEAH! I SHOULD BE DANCIN', YEAH!!! (Ok, that's enough of the Bee Gee's out of me)... Ahem.

And now to the local report: Work sucks & my boss is a dick as usual. Fall is finally here. We got a nice sprinkling this morning with plenty of cool, fresh air to breathe in after a long stifling Summer. I'm looking forward to more dampness in the next couple of days. Perfect hiking and biking weather as long as it doesn't rain while I'm actually out and about. I'm finally getting my car checked out next Monday to find out if it's worth fixing or not (it's been out of commission for the last 5 months). Pretty soon though I'm going to need a car again and I'm thinking about ditching the old one in favor of a real new car (not just new to me, used car). Somewhere near the top of the list sits the Toyota Matrix. It's the right size (roomy with inside storage for road trippin', SCUBA haulin', and gear packin', and it gets great gas mileage. The fact that it's a sharp looking car doesn't hurt either. I'm still feeling the anti-establishment, anti-petroleum vibe, but I can't wait for them to develop water-powered cars... Especially if I don't want to pick up my date and have her sit on my handlebars (although that would be kind of fun.) Also, I paid off my student loan and now I've got my sights set on paying off my credit card. Funny how my credit line magically went up as soon as I paid off my student loan, the same loan that slashed my credit line to a third of what it was when I unknowingly defaulted... I hate credit, but I need to build it. Buying a car helps build credit... I need better credit so I can buy a car... Guess I better get paying off my credit card now. Anyone know if I might be able to plead the credit card companies into slashing the ungodly interest rate? Probably not. Fuckers (them, not you).
Enough. I'm done.
Kidding - I am happy that you found someone to share your time with