Seriously though, take a quick look over at N.O.A.A.'s website and you'll notice that much of the country (hell, the world) is experiencing higher temperatures and drought (and let's not forget to mention that the Great Lakes are starting to dry up), meanwhile the rest of the U.S. (and again much of the world) is getting flooded! So what gives??? Well a climatologist would probably tell us that due to rising air temperatures, much of the water moisture is evaporating leaving land dry and barren. However, because there is more water vapor in the atmosphere (gee, you mean like a greenhouse?), this results in more violent and destructive thunderstorms, hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons. In case you haven't noticed, there was also a 20% increase in arctic ice melt this summer. Scientists are scrambling to revise their figures, but some are already saying that the north pole will be completely free of ice during the summer months by the middle of this century. I can see it now, cruise ship and sight-seeing plane charters to see the last of the great icecap before it completely disappears... Kind of like going to a zoo to see the last of the tazmanian wolves (which didn't breed in captivity) before they went extinct.

And just imagine how many margaritas you could make with that mountain of ice! They'll sure be refreshing and what a way to beat that heat.

Psst. If you managed to make over to the NOAA site, you might not have noticed that the U.S. has also embarked on a "science voyage" to map the seafloor of the arctic region. Guess we're in the race for the pole too. Sigh. Thus begins (continues?) the mighty struggle over the last remaining oil reserves in the world (ironic that global warming has allowed it to get to this point, no?)
Weather aside, I'm trying to maintain my sanity amid all the crazy conspiracy theories that keep running through my head. (Boredom can be a quite a vice during these geopolitically volatile times). Please, just don't ask me what I'm thinking or what my "conspiracy theory" is, its hard enough for me to forget about it in the first place. In the least, you'll just look at me funny, think I'm crazy or possibly never talk to me again. At worst, I'll be right and it won't matter because things will just be really shitty and you'll know what my "theory" is anyways if (when?) it happens... Yeah, it sucks and it's really bad but there's nothing I can do about it, so why keep worrying? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! (Ok, here's a big hint in case you just need to know):
Moving on...
Besides the kooky-craziness-doom-and-gloom talk, here's how I've been feeling a bit like lately:
(Are the smileys getting annoying yet?) I just saw off a couple of good friends who moved to Flagstaff, so things have been kind of quiet in the social department. Thankfully, a week ago I was invited to go to an art show at Distinction Art Gallery down in Escondido where they were featuring (mostly) my favorite type of art (Pop Surreal). There was some really great stuff on display and the free wine in the gallery was also a well imbibed bonus. We chased the evening's event with a good bottle of red wine at R. O'Sullivan's Irish pub and wouldn't you know it, they we're literally all tapped out! No beer in an Irish pub? That's like having no ice in the Arctic! Ha! Oh. Um...
Anyways we had a great time and drained the bottle listening to a guitar-playing-jaunty-singing-beer-swilling-Irishman and old 80's Smiths songs (it was playing whenever he took a beer break, they still had bottles). Afterwards we headed back up to town to enjoy some really cool tripped-out music before I said my final goodbyes... It's really great when you can relate to people and have a great time doing something simple, like hanging out. It's been quite along time since done any hanging out and its really hard to find good friends among the uptight people here in hickkksville. Well I'll have to do it again soon. Meanwhile I've been invited to join them if I choose to go to an Air concert (as in the band) in September. I'm not sure if I can go, but I'm going to try... But until then, I can't wait for my first issue of Juxtapoz to come in the mail. I'm not usually one for material items, but hey, this is art and this mag 'aint no cheap dime rag cover, it's the real deal. (Actually, I'm kind of fond of cheap dime rag covers, even if they are a bit cliche). Anyways, opening a copy of Jux is kind of like getting a issue of LA (or OC, SD, SF, etc.) Weekly, but its overflowing with so much art and coolness it kicks ass over all other 'zines (well that's my opinion anyway). There's my report for now. It's a mixed bag, but take it or leave it, this is my life. Bye, adios, sionara and au revoir and tattootleoo! (Did I just say that??? Oh man, it must be getting late).
If-n-she-'aint a beaut? Covergirl for the times... Muerte baby... Muerte indeed.
Friday Sept 7th
Dinner at 7pm - show up whenever
See you then