Well, I know it's been quite some time since I last posted anything on my "blog" (I still wan't to call it a journal), but I've kind of been trying to limit my contact with a computer lately. To be honest I think I've been spending way too much time focusing on things that aren't very productive and they've been bringing me down a bit. I have a tendency to get carried away with certain topics (largely of a political nature), and I end up paralizing my own senses to everything else that is equally important (if not more) in life. I've been doing some serious soul searching in the wake of my internet frenzy and I've realized just how much time it's been taking up (ok, so I do alot more things then surfing the internet and blogging (on other's pages - tsk, tsk), but the fact of the matter is that I have more of a relationship with my computer then just about anyon else (including my dog.
It seems I've really neglected taking care of myself (making sure I get enough sleep, exercise, quiet time, social interaction, etc...) and now I really need to make some of that up. Come to think of it, it seems like forever since the last time I summited a mountain or went diving in the sea. Maybe I should take a few short hiking and camping trips and bring Yuri along. Hmm, anything to keep me from slumping into a funk (been there, done that, don't want to go back...)
In other "news" I've had an interesting couple of weeks at work (ok, not really). I've have been working hard though, doing just about everything under the sun for my boss (scraping tile, resurfacing a floor, patching drywall, priming undercoat, selling bikes... ) It was actually kind of funny, one of the guy's I was working with kept complaining about getting the "shit job" by having to clean the walls that were caked in... well, filth. (We are currently renovating a suite near the shop to become a new service center. For years it was a pet grooming business and it got pretty nasty after all the years it was there.
It really is disgusting and I'll seriously think twice about ever taking a pet to a groomer after seeing how gross it was.) Ok, anyways, back to the story, he was complaining about the "shit job", when I tried to make light of the situation by comparing it to a REAL shit job I had one summer. I tried to be humorous about the whole thing while also trying to let him know how much worse it could be (having to clean up messes that I shudder to even recall - sorry if I don't describe them here). Anyways, he wasn't all that amused and didn't seem to respond between his stream of foul expletives which largely rivaled the actual mess he was cleaning.
Anyways, work has been a bit of a drag, but by far, the worst thing I've had to do lately is to work on [Bum-ta-da-da!] my boss' computer. I've been busy compiling a database for the new retail software that is replacing his ancient, ghost infested, DOS based program.
Just because you are good at something doesn't mean you have to like it, right? Anyways, right now I'm beginning to think having computer skills is a double edged sword. I really, really, really hate data entry. I feel like the office computer is litterally sucking my brain dry. Every mind-numbing moment I sit before the terminal I can feel my life force getting drained out my eyes, bit by bit, and occasionally, I'll catch myself nodding off during a intense spell of neural frying monotony. I continually have to remind myself that I'm alive by peeling myself away from the miasma of the "Yeti Cave" (My boss' office) so I can walk around and get my blood (and spirit) flowing again. Yesterday, I was barely functional by closing time. In fact, I was so completely drained that when I tried to pull the security gate closed, I forgot to lower the gate track first. Yanking hard on the gate, I sent the track racing down on in an arch that crashed down on top of my head.
Argh, I'm such an idiot sometimes. Well, no major damage was done (that hasn't been damaged already), but I did manage to get a large throbbing knot on my head for all of my effort. Whoohoo!
A day later, my head still smarts and I have a raised bumb on my head (but at least no one can see it underneath my hair). Sigh... So usually when I get a head injury, it means my life is about to change dramatically, It has always been thus (I have some truly wierd head injury karma)... Now I'm left guessing as to what exactly is going to happen. Maybe this time instead of waiting for something to happen, I should go do something instead. In fact, I've really thought about giving up on everything (which really isn't anything) and to change my direction in life entirely. (It may not be moving downhill anymore, but right now it's just not moving at all...) I thought maybe I could volunteer for something so that I can help others for a while. I'm really not sure, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like I'd really enjoy doing that. I don't know, maybe it's just another flight of fancy, but something tells me this time things wil be different...
OK, it's late, and I've got to stick to my "computer cerfew", so I should probably end it here. I hope everyone is doing well or at least getting along. I don't suppose anyone really will read much of this, but it really doesn't matter since this is really more of a journal anyways.
Take care you cyber warriors, I yield the net (and the night) to you...
(Oh crap, I missed 11:00, oh well)
Wish I were here:

In other "news" I've had an interesting couple of weeks at work (ok, not really). I've have been working hard though, doing just about everything under the sun for my boss (scraping tile, resurfacing a floor, patching drywall, priming undercoat, selling bikes... ) It was actually kind of funny, one of the guy's I was working with kept complaining about getting the "shit job" by having to clean the walls that were caked in... well, filth. (We are currently renovating a suite near the shop to become a new service center. For years it was a pet grooming business and it got pretty nasty after all the years it was there.

OK, it's late, and I've got to stick to my "computer cerfew", so I should probably end it here. I hope everyone is doing well or at least getting along. I don't suppose anyone really will read much of this, but it really doesn't matter since this is really more of a journal anyways.

Wish I were here:

Hope all is well - and get well rested cause Dec is going to be a hectic time of fun!!!
1 Medic - in slightly rough shape
Will recover with rest, time and love
Thanks for keeping your eyes peeled