Well, it I just took my final for a class I've failed at twice before. 3rd time's the charm, right? I probably would have done better on the final if I wasn't sick right now. I've got a nasty cold (or maybe allergies?) complete with sinus and chest congestion (yummy - phlegm!!!
) Anyways, my nose decided to start leaking like a siv and I had to leave right after starting the test to try to clear my sinuses (and bring back a snot-rag). I must have been sniffling through the entire test, stopping to wipe my nose every 10 seconds. I ended up completely soaking my snot-rag before time ran out, unfortunately I didn't get to finish every question. It's ok though since this class was pass or fail. I had to get 6 out of 25 to pass, so I'm sure I'm passed. It just sucks being sick, I wake up with a headache that last all day while I get to get to cough up some disgusting goo and my head springs a leak alternating from nostril to nostril until I finally fall asleep. Wake up, repeat... I can't wait till it goes away. Maybe I can get my boss at work sick first though
Ooh, look at this gem I found:
Ooh, look at this gem I found:
See if you can get ahold of some Entex, the stuff works great. What is it that you're having trouble with just out of curiosity.
Love, career, life in general. You know, the usual stuff... Oh, did you mean what subject was I having touble with? Math. Now I'm done, so it's Noooooooooo Probleeeeeem Maaaaan [said with cheezy fake Jamacian accent]. BTW, no drugs for me. Just the stuff that mother nature has provided... Ginger, honey and lemon (brewed into a tea). Nice. Oh, and lot's of juice with Vitamin C and some other good stuff.
I'm feeling much better, but now I've got something else to wory about...