For all ladies out there who are unsure of their bodies, reading this may just be the proof you need to relax and love yourself the way you are. From a silly article, but reassuring all the same...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
After that, determined to change my dating luck, I tried looking for women outside of my Hollywood circle--at the gym, at the grocery story, even at the library. That's where I met Kara. Kara was a novelist from New York who looked lean and fit and, best of all, completely real, in jeans and a T-shirt. When I thought about getting my hands on her au naturel parts, my mind reeled. During our second make-out session, she stopped me as my hands slipped under her shirt. "Don't get too excited," she joked. "They're awful." Were they? Well, one was noticeably larger than the other, and they didn't look like breasts I was used to seeing on lingerie billboards, but I loved that they were hers. Kara turned out to be one of the great loves of my life. We dated long distance until the lack of regular contact drove us apart. Sometimes I think I'm still not over her.
In fact Kara (and her gorgeously imperfect body) helped me figure out that dating women who'd been under the knife would probably never feel right to me. There are a thousand enhanced goddesses out there who will one day make other men very happy. I know those women are worth dating, and I've fallen in love with a handful of them myself. But I'm pretty sure that the woman for me will deal with her physical peccadilloes with humor and self-acceptance, not surgery.
This is the part I think women don't understand. When a guy falls in love, his lover's body parts become bewitching. I'm not going to tell you that our heads don't turn when we see a stacked blond walking down the street. But when we fall for you--really, really fall for you--you hijack our sense of beautiful. What's sexy to us? You--in the "before" picture.
I keep watching movies online. Movies I'd never pay to see. Guilty pleasures, that sort of thing.
Time to let the dogs out, here's an update on how Molly looks these days. What a doll...
oh and also, i met a bourbon connoisseur last night. he was gay, and amazing. and we tasted one of the top shelf bourbons wild turkey makes. never even thought to sip bourbon that way, even after visiting the distilleries. he was like look for a smooth finish and a slight burn but an after taste of white pepper on the majority of your tongue and then an orange peel taste right at the back of the throat. and he was exactly right, that was definitely what it tasted like. i'd love to have the time and money to become a bourbon connoisseur, somehow he's made that into a career. <jealous>