I am begining to get really angry. I dont mean the normal mellow i am upset feeling. I am livid. I just got off the phone with our help desk and was just informed that i am still being paid at my old rate and nothing has been changed. So yeah tommorow I expect to see a shit ass paycheck that i wont be able to survive on. I have rent, bills grrr. and i am about to just lose it. I just called my regonial and left a message, he just called back and said he was trying to fix it. I really dont know if i can handle another three weeks. I think i have been nice enough.
*** guess what
my pay got fucked up, at the regonial is willing to loan it to me out of his own pocket. But I refused. I cant do that. maybe i will just sell my eggs.
*** guess what
my pay got fucked up, at the regonial is willing to loan it to me out of his own pocket. But I refused. I cant do that. maybe i will just sell my eggs.
Arrrgh! I hate fouled-up pay-checks! You have my utmost sympathy! 

Hm. A beautiful girl with ethics. I'm all for it. But keep your eggs.