love love love love love love kiss kiss kiss
i have coughee her out spitting her on the curb like diseased mucus... over her like a flu runs through i am finally happy i dont think shell ever come back and good ridance. no regrets, no memorie worth the keeping... i know youlll read this and it wont matter to you. but i found a cure for you ..... common sense and caring might...
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i have no clue, it just seems that you keep going back for more and more hurt
Well i did it i finally fucked up beyond repair......... she drove me to the edge and i let my hand fly........ whether she deserved it or not i feel bad because i hurt her .... but now she is closer to him than ever before. i gave her closure with a slap across the face....... a hard slap. it felt good at first of...
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We often act subconsciously....without a second thought...knowing full well what the ultimate response will be regardless of whether we want that or not...somehow of mind chooses for us and the decision is made! It hurts...
oh i thought bout it a year in advance
Well for a time i have been in china studiny martial arts and boy did i learn bout the world........ there is some shit that happens that we can never understand uless we focus our attention to them i see these things all the time and even more since i got back and there is alot wrong with our lifestyle....... it needs to be reconditioned...
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mm strongman juices are so good mmm love
sorry im a dork i just like the way ur cum tastes it was good and filling thank you so much have a good life hope you dont change to much
Wellll well well now it seems the beauty has returned to our ugly eyes view love

Seconds flow to minutes as days transform to years
But can time control your limits by instilling you with fear

"Doesn't age lead to your death" you say "so I should HURRY up
And get to where I wanna be", but all is not enough

You try so hard and get so far just to see it go away
Only memories and lessons learned...
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Very nicely said...nice!
You suck im still imensly sore but i love it this girl better be hot and hopefully we can find some one to night at the club even if i just watch you because im so sore adn very pink
crave a taste of the sensless by the ways of woman. For she will satisfy your hunger to eliminate your soul. but as are the steps of men with promises unkept to maintain smiles that never last. Lies are the Way of the human body like air to your tar filled lungs. though you hope for the best the worst clings to you like a...
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so why do you keep visiting if your not gonna type anything mady i knoe you get on are you just watching.... or using tell me so i should keep the password or change it. what are you thinking about ARRR!!!