I really hate being on of those people who can sort of detect underlying emotions and motives in other people.
I'm not saying it's special, I'm sure a lot of people can do the same thing with those who are closest to them.
But I hate it...I hate knowing that some things are going to happen before they do, especially when it's about other people making mistakes and it means that I'm the one who has to run damage control.
You know, those times when someone starts dating someone else and you know....that this guy/girl isn't good for them. Or when someone moves in with a bad roomate...there are SO many examples honestly. But, if you're anything like me, even though you foresee the end result you keep quiet, you listen and you wait. Because usually these are things for others to go through. They need to make the mistake, they need to have the experience and learn from it.
It's a part of life, everyone makes mistakes, I totally do. But I think that there is a HUGE difference between going into something with the best intentions and having it not work out because of whatever reason....and going into something knowing that you are being completely selfish, knowing that your going to be hurting someone else and knowing that you are doing something wrong.
I'm not saying I've never been that person, I have and those situations are the ones that I come close to regretting. (I don't believe in regrets really.) Because simply, there are times when you are in situations where you are not getting what you need. It can happen in all areas of your life, mine usually arise in love and family and friends. You just get to a point where you NEED something because that need has not been met for so long that you go out and you do whatever you need to in order to satisfy yourself.
...and now...things are getting crazy here so I'm going to end it just like that.
I was never good at endings....
And then, she woke up.
I am making progress on our little joint venture. I plan on sending three pieces, all 9 x 14. I hope that's okay and you're still down.