This is the new poster that I made today for the We Are All We Have Tonight punk project that I have been working on for the past three years. Feel free to download the poster, print it off, send it to a friend or loved one, hang it up...do whatever.

Show me where you have posted it! Being your cellphone backdrop or on your
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This is amazing!! I love it!
@amberetta thank you

So, this past Saturday, I was able to enjoy doing a new photo shoot with a good friend of mine, Nick, and his new suit that he got only a week before. It was a lucky day, since rain was scheduled for the entire day, but held off until we were done with this shoot (actually started to rain as we were heading back to...
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Loved the location ๐Ÿ˜
Beautiful pics๐Ÿ’•

It has been a while past two months. It has been almost that long since I have updated...but here I am. I have still been going out for my runs/walks, still a vegetarian, still a college professor, still meditate and do yoga every day. Finally today I got a hair cut, first time in almost two months. It has just been a while road. HOWEVER,...
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So, yesterday in class was our Color Theory: Self Portrait critique.

These where honestly my two favorite works from the students.

What are your thoughts?

Remember these are both works done in Photoshop.

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@fastboyent love the advice, thank you, I appreciate it. And I'm the only male student with 27 girls. Ages 17 to 31 and theyย  take photos of my ass . They call me daddy, they flirt with me, they fuck with me. And they can be really nice. In our next semester, you have to pick out a partner. We have 31 girls now, and all have asked me about being a partner. We have a really good instructor, professor named Miss Caroline and she's gorgeous. And she said I'm going to help you. All the girls are going to set at numbered table's and have a number. Starting with one, and we are going to fix this problem. Your going to draw a number out of a bucket. And that will be your partner. And every Thursday your the teacher for 3 hours. So I can do a staff meeting at a class I have to finish. And everyone knows your shooting the best photos. And my partner is 28 and a cutie. Named Marley and she said the girls have plans for you. On your first afternoon teaching. We are going to lock the doors and get lots of dollars out. And we want you to be a male stripper. OMG you girls fucking crazy. She said we actually like you and respect you. We think you are really cute for a older man, we are attracted to you. I said I will do this if you girl's follow one rule. I'm not going to take my underwear off, and the first girl that fucks with my underwear I will stop dancing. I will allow this, just say, I'm going to put a dollar in your underwear. And I hope you girls are being honest. And this is a one time deal, and you girl's will stop properstionimg me. I have a really cute girlfriend named Jessie. So I will be shacking my ass sone. And this is not going to be a problem for me. Check out the last video I posted on my page. When you get a chance. And I have a plan, I build custom Harley Davidson Choppers. And I'm going to build a SG Chopper and I have a SG model that going to let me shoot a set. On this SG Chopper. I just want to shoot a set, to show you what I learned about photography. And on my page you will see some of my homework. Sunsets
@weedfarmer The chopper sounds amazing. Cannot wait to see the photos. And good luck with class.ย  Wow, that is something fucking else right there.

I have been so bad at updating on here. It has been a weird one over the past month. School started up, so I am legit college professor now, about four weeks in now. Classes are going well, but there just seems to be something missing still. I love the job though. Best job I have ever had. I am teaching Art History and Digital...
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It was a lighting test, but this photo speaks more than I ever hoped it would.

@refox thank you

As I begin the next chapter in my photographic career by teaching at a University starting in less than a month, I sat back for just a few minutes and thought about who and what all I have photographed over the years and i feel that I have been very lucky that all of my hard work has paid off. I have been behind the...
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Good morning everyone. I thought I would do a quick update since it has been so long since I last said hello.

This outbreak of Covid across the globe has been crazy. I have been able to get a lot of work done for my new job, which is good, a lot of lectures wrote. Been going out on 8-9 miles walk/runs per day, still...
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Keep well <3
@pistache Thank you, you as well!

Yep, you read that right. There is a new article out about yours truly, from KC Studio Magazine, and I am very proud about this one. It is fantasticly wrote and the image that was taken for it (of me) is amazing. Please click on the link and let me know what you think after reading.


So, yesterday on a walk with Sam, I decided to take my camera just for the fun of it and see if I could get just a shot of her since it was a beautiful day outside.

Little did I know that she would be channeling her inner Frida when I pushed the shutter release.

All in all, I will be so ready when this
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@rafaeeeeeeeela Thanks