SO, yes, I will admit that I don't come on here as often as I would hope, not only to see you beautiful people, but also to give you a slight update on my happenings. I do need to get better at that.
Life has just been so busy, with the newspaper, covering the events that I have, and then ultimately taking a slight break from photographing during the holiday season, just so I could sit back, relax a little bit, and enjoy.
But I am still here. My last show/event that I photographed of 2024 was Usher, down in Phoenix, and that was Nov. 23 (I did do a concert review of Billie Eilish in December, but since I didn't take my camera with me [no photography/photo media allowed], I am not going to count that show), and last night was my first event that I covered, which was the Phoenix Suns vs. Utah Jazz NBA game.
I will say that 2025 is already gearing up to be a busy year, with over 32 events on my calendar to photograph this year alone, that is on top of my job as the news editor for the paper. AND those are only the events that have been announced yet. We are still in January, so much could still be announced between now and the end of the year.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive and well, kicking it here still in Arizona. I do plan on traveling a little this year; back up to Kansas in May, and maybe thinking about either Boston or Chicago for my birthday in September. It is one of those things that I have to see what art museums and stuff I can get in during my stay, as well as maybe a concert, and some good eating.
But really, that is it for now. I might do a photo blog here in a week or two, once I have my laptop cleaned off from all of the photo folders from 2024, and they are moved to my external hard drive, just so I can have room to continue to use my laptop (which when all of the photos are moved, the hard drive on here is basically 100% free again...yes, I do take that many photos still).
Until next time, drop me a line and I will respond back as quickly as possible.
Love all of you -