Today I was out scouting locations for another We Are All We Have Tonight shoot in Kansas City, Missouri. This location was off of 40th and Troost. And as soon as I got out of my car with my Nikon, this guy who looked homeless at his little squatter's camp, came over to me and started talking. He introduced himself to me, with his ID, as Mr. Elmo Ivy Jones. He is homeless and talked to me about being homeless, dealing with schizophrenia, and being a child of religion.
From the get-go, he invited me to take photos of him, constantly saying "Take a photo of this..." and posing for a photograph.
These are the images that images that I was able to capture from today's surprise shoot.
It was an amazing time. Spent about an hour talking to him and taking photos, talking to me about local businesses, where he has credit at, and the Jag painted white at a local car dealer ship that he wants to buy. I honestly do not know if I will ever see this guy again, but if I don't, I wish him the best and hope that he eventually comes out on top.