Okay, so as everyone knows I do a lot of my new blogs based on the photos that I take. Well, that is one reason why I didn't post anything over the past few weeks, because I was in a bit of a dry spell. That is, up to this weekend. Over the two day span of Friday and Saturday, I was able to develop one role of film and do two photo shoots. So, for the next few days, be on the lookout for a few new posts as I will be updating!
First, on Friday night, my friend Shane (You will see a few photos of him below, the guy who used to work at the Outhouse) wanted me to photograph his band. It is an experimental band, something that I thought sounded more like Pinching Judy from the 90s, but he wanted a look of a cult in the photos. I personally didn't really understand what he was talking about and was trying hard to come up with something visually in my head on the spot (since he told me this when I was already there). The only thing that I could think of was like the Blair Witch Project, the KKK, and organized religion. While those might not be the best thing I had to go on for this project, I still went forward and this is what I came up with.
He loves the images, so I guess that is all that matters