This question resonates within my soul. Since I was a small muppet, beverages have played a central part in my upbringing.
From the ages of 6 to 10, I would always forgo offers of juice or flavoured milk from my friend's parents in favour of plain old water.
When I was 10, however, I entered a kind of premature teenage angst, and I would stay up late and watch movies and tv shows where the protagonist would survive mainly on a meager diet of black coffee and cigarettes, and I would beg my mother to buy instant black coffee powder. Every time, she would say "No, you're too young for coffee."
When I was 12, I had my very first cup. It was divine. Strong and intense, with a heady aroma. I felt my body energise as the caffeine hit my system. It was like when Bart and Milhouse buy the syrup only Squishee.
Since then, black coffee has been my main homeboy. I can drink it all day and still pass out sound asleep at night. Of course, as I've gotten older, my tastebuds have changed and I now require more than a standard spoonful of instant powder. I like my coffee extra strong, and bitter.
Actually, in recent times, I've started forgoing the spoon all together. Pouring from the jar until the mug is about halfway full, then adding a slow trickle of cold water to mix it all together, and finish with boiling water.
I know it sounds disgusting, but to me, it is life. It's become a part of who I am.
I also have a very real love for alcoholic beverages, though... it's part of my job as a bartender to, even though I used to absolutely abhor all forms of alcohol. I grew up with an alcoholic brother, and for a time, it began to appear that my sister would go down the same route... I'm still grateful she didn't.
Being behind the bar is like a constant party. You're friend, confidant, psychiatrist, and mother to the regulars. You're the matchmaker behind budding lifelong friendships. You're there to see the best come out in people, and witness to some great acts of kindness and goodwill.
There are some down times, but not enough to ruin my party.
If you're after some good Sydney brewery recommendations, see Willie the Boatman in Tempe, Young Henrys in Newtown, 4 Pines in Manly, Batch Brewing in Marrickville, Archie Rose distillery in Alexandria, and Poor Toms gin in Marrickville.
Thanks for a great question, @missy and @lyxzen!