A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002
- The things we already have are more valuable than the things we only hope to get-
This has weighed heavily in my mind the past few days.
On Saturday, Omar showed me these two little baby blue birds, nesting in the bush right outside the kitchen door.
I hear them chirping constantly, in between the lull of the printer, walking to the walk-in, stepping outside for a stogie. Today, after working a dreadful luncheon, serving food I was ashamed of, food I didnt make, food I could barely stomach to serve, I went to Aria for night shift, and looked in on these baby birds.
Both of these tiny blue birds were sitting on top of the nest, boldly, mouths open, eyes gleaming, hungry, wanting more nourishment for their growth. They retreated briefly when they saw I was human. Suddenly, one little bird jumped straight out of the nest. He literally stepped in front of my eyes, we were about four inches apart, and he started chirping; not a hungry type of chirp, more sing song, with the cadence of a voice you love.
His song told me that a bird in the hand is not always worth two in the bush. If you have a vision, you owe it to yourself to pursue that vision, to imagine it so wholly that it becomes reality. All inventions begin with a thought; they proceed with a word, and come to fruition through Will.
Here I am, with a beautiful bird in hand, a good looking job, years and years of genuine effort, a passion that is beyond relief, and yet I am getting ready to walk away from it all, to pursue other avenues with equal energy. It is tiring to be driven by passions.
I cannot help but feel nostalgic; I went from cooking omelettes at a swingers club in the wee hours of the morning to working for papa chef of Atlanta. With one of the top ten. Gerry and I settled my schedule today, he wants me to stay, just give me a few more weeks Deb-a-doodles..but Primonext Saturday will be my last official night. I know I will be back at Aria, at least in some makeshift form, buyouts, etc. I settled next months schedule at the Treehouse with Summer today; and I also settled my schedule with Di today. I also found a new flat, I will be moving in August. Back to the city.....
My poor sistah christian, we are both so stressed out, overworked, both without days off for the past few weeks, and the next few weeks coming. I feel terrible for her; Kira is now 5 months old, and still very demanding of time. I cannot imagine being chef and mom at the same time. She had to take Kira into the kitchen on Monday, I couldnt watch her since I had to work, and Di didnt want to take her to daycare.a kitchen is no place for most adults, yet alone a small child
So I wonder.is the bird in the hand really better than two in the bush??
How do you feel about this? Would you walk away from one dream to pursue another?
For me, yes, I dont want to die thinking what if?
I have to be whole hearted, it is my greatest strength and my greatest weakness
I know that I am often too exuberant, but for me life is worth living, to the fullest. Life is so precious, and time is too short.
Always to be Fed the Most - FBS forever!!
The Orchardist
Orange trees cling to the tin walls of his home
A red checked shirt and grey pair of trousers hang over the one eyed tractor.
His oranges are small suns,
And he is an astronaut,
Through their spheres of influence
- John Kinswell
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002
- The things we already have are more valuable than the things we only hope to get-
This has weighed heavily in my mind the past few days.
On Saturday, Omar showed me these two little baby blue birds, nesting in the bush right outside the kitchen door.

I hear them chirping constantly, in between the lull of the printer, walking to the walk-in, stepping outside for a stogie. Today, after working a dreadful luncheon, serving food I was ashamed of, food I didnt make, food I could barely stomach to serve, I went to Aria for night shift, and looked in on these baby birds.
Both of these tiny blue birds were sitting on top of the nest, boldly, mouths open, eyes gleaming, hungry, wanting more nourishment for their growth. They retreated briefly when they saw I was human. Suddenly, one little bird jumped straight out of the nest. He literally stepped in front of my eyes, we were about four inches apart, and he started chirping; not a hungry type of chirp, more sing song, with the cadence of a voice you love.
His song told me that a bird in the hand is not always worth two in the bush. If you have a vision, you owe it to yourself to pursue that vision, to imagine it so wholly that it becomes reality. All inventions begin with a thought; they proceed with a word, and come to fruition through Will.
Here I am, with a beautiful bird in hand, a good looking job, years and years of genuine effort, a passion that is beyond relief, and yet I am getting ready to walk away from it all, to pursue other avenues with equal energy. It is tiring to be driven by passions.
I cannot help but feel nostalgic; I went from cooking omelettes at a swingers club in the wee hours of the morning to working for papa chef of Atlanta. With one of the top ten. Gerry and I settled my schedule today, he wants me to stay, just give me a few more weeks Deb-a-doodles..but Primonext Saturday will be my last official night. I know I will be back at Aria, at least in some makeshift form, buyouts, etc. I settled next months schedule at the Treehouse with Summer today; and I also settled my schedule with Di today. I also found a new flat, I will be moving in August. Back to the city.....
My poor sistah christian, we are both so stressed out, overworked, both without days off for the past few weeks, and the next few weeks coming. I feel terrible for her; Kira is now 5 months old, and still very demanding of time. I cannot imagine being chef and mom at the same time. She had to take Kira into the kitchen on Monday, I couldnt watch her since I had to work, and Di didnt want to take her to daycare.a kitchen is no place for most adults, yet alone a small child
So I wonder.is the bird in the hand really better than two in the bush??
How do you feel about this? Would you walk away from one dream to pursue another?

For me, yes, I dont want to die thinking what if?
I have to be whole hearted, it is my greatest strength and my greatest weakness
I know that I am often too exuberant, but for me life is worth living, to the fullest. Life is so precious, and time is too short.
Always to be Fed the Most - FBS forever!!
The Orchardist
Orange trees cling to the tin walls of his home
A red checked shirt and grey pair of trousers hang over the one eyed tractor.
His oranges are small suns,
And he is an astronaut,
Through their spheres of influence
- John Kinswell
wish you'd come and be my wing man, or something other
thanks for the hugz; it made the day a little easier to deal with.
i left a good paying job as a civil attorney to go back to my passion, criminal defense. so, i understand your situation. i say go for it.
[Edited on May 18, 2006 7:49PM]