At about three o'clock this morning I found myself in that parking garage listening to a couple of the guys from 'Tough guys take over' jamming with some of the people from 'downhollow'. Good bands, and good people all around too. Check them out.
Tough Guys Take Over Download "number 4" Great song.
DOWNHOLLOW There aren't any originals on there yet, but if the opinion of what a drunk guy heard in a parking garage at 3 am means anything to you, then trust me. They kick ass too.
Alright, now I had no intentions of winding up in a parking garage in west Philly when I headed out the night before, but it just sort of ended up that way. I met up with people for drinks, and although I hadn't seen some of them in years, and some I didn't know at all, but after a few pints and a few shots though, all was well with the world, and as is the common practice amongst drunkards, we were toasting to 'old friends and new friends' in no time.
Probably the best night of drinking I've had in a while, I've been on an unfortunate streak of getting way to drunk, blacking out and losing complete control of my tongue as the filter between brain and mouth shuts down completely. Last night though was nothing but some good beers amongst good people.
A few highlights from the evening;
Drunk middle aged woman trying to flirt with Pete and I while we were outside smoking, this woman looked good for her age, but the ability to stand and speak are important qualities and by this point she was lacking in both. As she put it. "my kids are.......sleep.......drive......sitter........mumblemubmlemumble......but I'm having a good time!'
60 Shilling Ale, BPA and Jaeger.
Lauren: Dana did you see Borat yet?
Dana: No.
.....thirty minutes later.....
Lauren: Dana did you see Borat yet?
Dana: No.
John: Shit, 30th street station...you are so lost.
Me: Fuck...last time I was here I pissed on that place....
John: ha ha yeah.....wait...WHAT!?!
Good times.
aww hehe yes it does!
Nice Ryden tattoo