hey folks
i hope you have a good time and enjoy your time however....
Nothing special happend here only i'm more at home, a liitle bit hell, but alot of Freedom...there is so much to do, new things, unknown things...maybe stop smoking or something stupid just for fun...
so i'm bored a little bit of the net, its so much on the surface...
so i'm gonna diving alittle bit...
i wish harmony (in spring you can catch them...) and peace to everybody and ....
fight alittle bit more with you for you and for a better world...
das war zu hart,wie die verfickten bullen da abgegangen sind...daswar richtig playstation!
die sind zum teil in konzertmengen reingestrmt...ham um sich gepeffersprayt und letztendlich trnengasbomben in die menge geworfen..die haben vor niemandem halt gemacht...alle haben es abbekommen