Could take the heat any more, had to take the top off my Jeep...

Yaaaaa! Wind in what's left of my hair...

Ahhhhh! Direct sunlight...

Now if I could get the rest of the world to go topless...
Music update...

Head has left Korn... frown

Yes, you read that right, Korn no longer has a lead singer.

After 14+ years, he has left the band for religious reasons. He says he can no longer sing in a group which he is so againts what the bands lirics and videos portray.

Now this is just me, and I have no problem with organised religion, but...
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K, had a blast in Vegas, gotta love a town where you can get a drink at 5am and walk down the street with it on your way to breakfast.

Vamp, the new show at the stratisphere is fantastic, vampires and vampire jumblies, can't go wrong, made me feel like it was '92 again. The magic in the show sucked, the main vampire needs to...
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Well, back from Vegas just in time to fly out to LA...

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Bahhh... I just want a good night sleep...
Good day, 3 days till vegas smile

that's it, night...
Found out today that I'm a melcryptovestimentaphiliac...

but I guess the first step is admitting it, and honestly, I don't concider it a bad thing.

oh, btw, I'd bet money you are one too....
I wouldn't necessarily say i'm compulsive. I would class myself as more of a 'souvenir collector'...
Well now that we are sharing I have to admit, with a giggle, I have Knismolagnia. When I was younger I used to often take part in Amomaxia, but lately, since I have never found someone exactly like me I have a strong tendency toward Anasteemaphilia.
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept. of Health Human Services.
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. Yes, that is 80 million.
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age...
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Now round up the stats on the number of lives saved by guns every year. (I'm just sayin...)
Ack! Nixon's armed... Everybody run!!!
*sigh... still no comments...

Keep thinking one of these days i'm gonna have to get off this damn computer and make me some friends... then I remember how much I don't like most people...

What's really funny is,I read that as "you're my only friend under 52" and I was all,shit, we should go play some shufffleboard...
Big grinning like an idiot look again.... biggrin Got a new laptop biggrin

Nothing special to it, but it's portable, and looks like i'm gonna have to do some traveling for work over the next few months, so I won't miss what's going on so much...