it's been a pretty damn fun week, i got back from san diego on sunday to go collect ophelia from rockinsteve's apartment after the pride parade. i miss the pride parade every year by like two hours and only get to see the left over traffic.

tuesday i cam home to find mya and ophelia sitting on my couch discussing genetic abnormalities in kittens.

friday was the burlesque and the book signing. we bussed up to quimby's since i've made svereal attempts to sever my right foot lately, and The Girl was wearing shoes that were more cute than walkable. we got there, and walked in right behind missy, and we both kind of stared at the floor for a bit and pretended we didn't know who she was. we spied synnove and userlame near the back of the store, so we ran up and i went "hi... i'm sbk..." and then stared at the floor s'more. wow, i suck at meeting people.
when the whole book signing/speechness started we had to all sit on the floor indian style like story time in kindergarden. afterwards we wandered about with wren, devilducky, kira, doctashock, monet, pantsonfire, and like 5 other people i didn't catch the names of. we finally settled on a place to eat and get some beer, and chat in person with 3/4 of the normal population of #chatters.
we took a while to get into the show, cos we were waiting for mya's friend and sqook. after running back to the car like 14 times cos they wouldn't let us keep our phones, we finally got inside so we could swelter like everybody else. synnove was already feeling pretty poorly, so we mostly talked to mya tetsua and sqook, until the heat drove us outside. must've been something to do wiith the hot girls stripping onstage. although the doubledoor has never been a well ventilated venue.
unfortunately we had to skip out on people after that, since my russian bride isn't allowed to be in the presence of any illegal activities.
Mindless Self Indulgence
I'm in love with MSI right now.. the DMB is Stay or Leave... thoughts of Florida.
You know MSI?
Steven Tyler (?) had a really trippy cd abck in like 1993. There were some really catchy and interesting songs on it....hell I can't even remember it!
Michael W. Smith had some good stuff, especially his pseudo-mainstream/pseudo-christian album, again I cannot remember the name. Go West, perhaps?
There are a few scattered DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline songs that I still listen to, as well as Petra's On Fire album. That was one of my first ones, and possibly my most-listened to Petra album. Also, it turns out, it was one of my favorites musically,
I actually have a tape I made for high school, a compilation tape to use on school band trips and such, where Audio Adrenaline played right after NIN's Self Destruct Final remix. I never even thought twice about it, but just now it strikes me as wonderfully bipolar.