Boring times back at work feeling lazy and worthless about being back here while everyone I've worked with the last 2 years is still over there..... I keep hoping the best for them for thats all I can do......
Agh I finally have surgery today.... I'm going to be so druged up today it's going to be an awesome time ..
Agh another boring day ... life is so so so boring after getting back I wish I could find some kind of purpose ....
I'm 21 and just recently returning from Iraq.I grew up in MN and have spent the last couple years in TX.I'm just at the point where I'm getting ready to leave the Army and go back to the real world..... it seems like it's taking forever.I'm down for anything as long as it's a chill atmosphere, no drama.IDK anything ya wanna know just ask.....laters
Howdy New friend