yeah, it sucks. For me, the mornings are the know, the first thought as you open your eyes & the realization of what life is now. But it will get better, I know this. You hang in there too & keep really busy. Don't forget to to take care of yourself in the process! xo
So... Reverend Pixiygirl and I recieved our fancy ordaination certificates in the mail!!! I also got some business cards with my Reverend title printed on them, yay!
I was ordained through the Universal Life Church at
I can perform marriages in California and funerals, baptisms, etc.... Although, my belief system is prodominantly buddhist, if you want some help with a baptism, I am at... Read More
So funny... another friend of mine just got ordained. It's catching, it seems. I think it'll be fine with the monkey. I think two moms would have been too much for me... the one I have is abso nuts. But you too are way sweeties.