Well today was writer's group...My script was in the hot seat (meaning last we assembled the assignment was to read my script and return with notes, criticism, etc.) And well...It even went better than expected...Just a few questions that need to be answered or are unclear..."loose ends" if you will (If you won't - that's okay too)...My advisor (who was a staff writer for Deep Space 9) seems to think this draft could be the one...He suggested a "polish" as opposed to a full on "next draft"...Which is really exciting actually because then I'm going to get it into circulation...Apparently there is a copy of it on the loose out there...Someone from the group took it to work and it's already made it to two production companies (which honestly, I have mixed feelings about) and some animator friend of a friend...So numero uno on Monday's agenda is to get to the Writer's Guild and get that puppy registered...Then I'd feel more comfortable with it begining to move around from one place to another...I don't know, it's all kinda' new to me, but keep your fingers crossed...

I'm holding on to this original mock-up of yours. Shit might be worth something someday.

Wow, good luck with that! How exciting!