There is a fox pup in my garden. Its mother is a mangy looking beast. She hung out in my overgrowing garden for the winter. So?
So what has suprised me is that is is not nocturnal! The fox plays all day in the garden. Its mother is still nocturnal. I am unsure as to whether letting imy garden overgrow into a natual wilderness has been a good or bad thing.
So what has suprised me is that is is not nocturnal! The fox plays all day in the garden. Its mother is still nocturnal. I am unsure as to whether letting imy garden overgrow into a natual wilderness has been a good or bad thing.

Aw! It's a good thing! A fox pup playing must be the cutest thing in the world. Plus having a mangy, nocturnal mother fox is cool, too. Because even if she's crazy . . . she's still crazy like a fox.