"artists use frauds to make human beings seem more wonderful than they really are. dancers show us human beings who move much more gracefully than human beings really move. films and books and plays show us people talking much more entertainingly than people really talk, make paltry human enterprises seem important. singers and musicians show us human beings making sounds far more lovely than human...
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Changed my profile image to a little something that I worked on the other night involving skulls and fractals. I also cleaned up my profile a bit.

Most of my day had been spent fondling my synths and anxiously awaiting a new PC that will allow me to do some serious recording and sampling. My current PC is used for work purposes which includes installing...
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'Every principle is a judgment, every judgment the outcome of experience, and experience is only acquired by the exercise of the senses; whence it follows that religious principles bear upon nothing whatever and are not in the slightest innate. Ignorance and fear, you will repeat to them, ignorance and fear -- those are the twin bases of every religion.'

of course this is or should...
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reason is the enemy of faith. reason a lovely opposite of ignorance, i believe. in some contexts, that is...

you should discuss the de sade writings with one Dia. She too is a fan
nice, glad to see someone recognized!
I wonder if anyone even reads this, probably not.
ahh look theres comments!

thanks anais :]

dia, actually I think I did see you. you should have said hello. if you feel like 'chatting' msg me aim-facelesskiss
word gets around. the comments flood before you know it.... and in that hour you might wish them away
I've come to the conclusion that everyone is a hyprocrite, sure some may claim not to be but you can almost always find them being just that at some point or another. It's human nature to be hyprocritical.

On another note, my uncle is going to prison for something he didn't do, how fucking wonderful is that?

I leave you with a few quotes:
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We exist in a disturbed place and in our own lonely worlds. We really only have each other, our friends, to keep us sane.
everyone is stupid and fake, yup, I've lost faith in humanity.. or maybe I did a long time ago.

I don't understand people someitmes... I'm trying to understand alot of things but come up with nothing.
hi... I could go into a very long tirade with you about why I disagree, but I'm far too doped up on sleepers, so hit me up for discourse at NOT 4:30 in the morning.
I think we need semantic definitions flying, and you need to decide whether faith in humanity serves a purpose...

How can you understand glorified monkeys?
an evolutionary mistake? thats all humans really are.

no, I don't think it serves a purpose, though I'd like to think people you bring into your lives should be respectul towards your space. More appropriately I should say I've lost faith in human decency though in reality I can't say I ever had any. Faith for the human race, now thats a joke.

Understanding glorified monkeys, hahah. You're right, we can't be understood and theres no sense in trying.
It's the 13th and nothing better to do than get drunk. I'm going to go out bar hoping and stir things up.
Sore.. in pain and the slightness movement hurts, such an exquisitefeeling. At work listening to exclipsect and waiting for the day to end. Today is my friday and a chilled bottle of sake awaits me.

I wonder if html works:

guess not
well for some reason my "favorite suicidegirls" isn't updating, oh well.
hey, when are you moving to seattle?
I plan on moving in November, hopefully it's not delayed.
The earlier parts of this morning was spent watching over ebay items I'm bidding on. I can't believe I won 8 brand new CDs, 7" and 12" albums for just about a $1 each! Today is a good day.
Are you in a band? Curious. Someone thought you looked familiar but didn't know why... hi.
Hi. Na, well not now at least, though I am working on my own 'solo' projects. Maybe your friend saw me at a club.. bar or something.