My sister got married last weekend. My "little" sister. I am forever doomed to be a groomsman but never a groom. I also decided that a wedding is like a nuclear bomb blast. Ground zero is the actual ceremony itself. Then the collateral damage from the blast are things like people getting drunk and rowdy, the rehearsel dinner restaurant booking the dinner on the wrong day, parents, the musicians not playing when they are supposed too, people losing keys, jewelry and even clothes, injuries from drinking, and a whole myriad of other little obscure things that go wrong before, during and after said wedding bomb blast such as my car breaking down halfway there and me having to spend 150 dollars to get it towed back home while family had to come get me and bring me the other half. I hate weddings. I have another to go to on Nov 5th. Woe is me.
Not to mention the weekend before I was the unlucky recipient of not 1, not 2 but 3 tickets in a traffic stop. I was on my favorite road, the Tail of the Dragon, I was following this Corvette with what looked like Ric Flair behind the wheel. He was doing a non-existent speed so I made for a pass. Well Captain white hair nails the gas and leaves sitting in the dust. As we round the next corner there is a Blount county cop who runs into the middle of the road waving his hand like a chicken. The vette almost runs him down. I catch up, Mr White hair says something to the officer and the officer pulls me to the side of the road and lets the vette go. I was stunned. One ray of sunshine is that all of this was caught on tape so to speak. I was filming my run up the mountain for a friend in Japan when all of this went down. Lucky me, it's off to court to make a cop look like an anus.
My girlfriend and I also called it quits. It was amicable and we both knew it wasnt working so I am happily single and bored out of my mind. No mental female stimulation tends to make a man jumpy and dis-organized. So I try to put efforts into other avenues of my existance but always just end up vegging on the couch.
Here's my lovely car, I have labored to re-assemble this thing after rescueing it from a repair shop where it languished for almost 3 years. I do love it so.
Hope everybodies safe, sorry for the face of earth drop.
Not to mention the weekend before I was the unlucky recipient of not 1, not 2 but 3 tickets in a traffic stop. I was on my favorite road, the Tail of the Dragon, I was following this Corvette with what looked like Ric Flair behind the wheel. He was doing a non-existent speed so I made for a pass. Well Captain white hair nails the gas and leaves sitting in the dust. As we round the next corner there is a Blount county cop who runs into the middle of the road waving his hand like a chicken. The vette almost runs him down. I catch up, Mr White hair says something to the officer and the officer pulls me to the side of the road and lets the vette go. I was stunned. One ray of sunshine is that all of this was caught on tape so to speak. I was filming my run up the mountain for a friend in Japan when all of this went down. Lucky me, it's off to court to make a cop look like an anus.
My girlfriend and I also called it quits. It was amicable and we both knew it wasnt working so I am happily single and bored out of my mind. No mental female stimulation tends to make a man jumpy and dis-organized. So I try to put efforts into other avenues of my existance but always just end up vegging on the couch.
Here's my lovely car, I have labored to re-assemble this thing after rescueing it from a repair shop where it languished for almost 3 years. I do love it so.
Hope everybodies safe, sorry for the face of earth drop.


Hot, Hot, Hot Car!! Take care.