I had the living shit beat out of me quite thoroughly today. Went Mt Biking and boy am I out of shape. I hurt in places on other peoples bodies. I am going to lay in my tub full of salt water and slowly put hot water in there until I run out.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 22, 2004
K it's me time. Things in my life are strangely complacent. I am … -
Friday Mar 19, 2004
Ok everyone, you didn't ask for so here it goes. A list of upcoming m… -
Thursday Mar 18, 2004
Okily Dokily neighbors. I got another one for you. Starsky an… -
Wednesday Mar 10, 2004
Woo Hoo. Movie review time. HIDALGO. Well, it was long. Good … -
Sunday Mar 07, 2004
TIGERLILI'S set is out. I was tardy so I am making an extra special u… -
Sunday Feb 29, 2004
Ok sorry to not have been on lately. I have actually been busy. OH TH… -
Thursday Feb 19, 2004
K I actually spoke half truths. I am changing my entry but i'm st… -
Saturday Feb 14, 2004
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!! Here's a heart to all of you. It's a … -
Monday Feb 09, 2004
Have to go get a tooth pulled tomorrow. I hate Dentists. They are cre… -
Thursday Feb 05, 2004
Okie funk is done. Been really bush lately. Trying to start one busin…
I am having so many lesbian adventures lately. You'd be proud.