Today someone asked me what I believed in. I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that it wasnt one thing that I believed in, it was multiple. So, I though that I would list them in no particular order. I believe in the sound of a perfectly tuned engine, the smell of racing fuel on a cloudy morning in mid-summer. I believe in the curve of a mountain road and the feel of fresh pavement under my wheels. I believe in the smell of burnt rubber and exhaust. The light of the sun as it shines down on my face after a good Jack Daniels drunk. I believe in beer, all beer, not just the expensive namby pamby ones that you cannot pronounce without coughing up a lung. I believe in love, yes love, I believe that it will find its way to me one day and stay for good. Until that time, I believe in sex. Hard, fast, raunchy, cursing filled, hair pulling, screaming your grandparents name, smoking em even if you dont smoke em after its done sex. I believe in marriage, so much that when I get married I will stay married. I believe in a good cooked meal at my grandmothers house, one with all the fixings like bisquits, milk gravy, salmon patties and green beans. One that gives you that so full feeling that the only recourse is to thrust your hand halfway down your pants and sigh repeatedly while watching the TV. Women with dyed hair that changes colors with whatever mood they are in. A coy smile, with a hint of devilishness and a cuddke are also high on the list. I believe in lots of carbohydrates and fat grams. I believe in Women. Short women, tall women, dark women, light women, black, yellow, brown and white women. These are the days of our lives women. Smiley women, wiley women and look upon me highly women. I believe in our troops. I dont believe in the cause but I believe in and support the people that champion that cause. I believe in boobs. Large, small, none at all, all boobs. Boobs are the fruit of the gods. I worship them in all their bounciness. I believe in honor, respect and above all, betterment to your fellow man. I believe in the Red, White and Blue, see through bras, thong underwear (for women only) scruffy dogs, pit bulls, computer games, large haired women at truck stop cafeterias, Harley Davidsons, shotguns, trucker girls, lot lizards, kilts, fleece shirts in the summer, girls in jeans and a t-shirt, Rednecks, bmx bikes, girls with arm tattoos and the almighty DOLLAR motherfucker.
These are my beliefs. I may have left a few out but those are the biggest ones. I dont believe in very little but here are the main 3. WE, Oxygen and Lifetime. These channels rot the female mind, Stay away from them at all costs. And what do we always say Kenny, "Don't get eliminated"!
These are my beliefs. I may have left a few out but those are the biggest ones. I dont believe in very little but here are the main 3. WE, Oxygen and Lifetime. These channels rot the female mind, Stay away from them at all costs. And what do we always say Kenny, "Don't get eliminated"!
And salmon patties!