Okily Dokily neighbors.
I got another one for you.
Starsky and Hutch.....
Well I did NOT want to go see this one but when majority rules the little man gets fucked. So I got fucked. Off we went to see this masterpiece of crapola.
I get there and sleep through the first 30 minutes, and I mean hardcore sleep with drool and all. But funny things happened when I woke up. It wasn't all that bad. Sure it is yet another attempt by Stinkywood to generate some cash flow in these terrible time of movies. But it was decently funny.
Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller star in the roles of one of TV's forgotten semi cop comedy drama thingys. They did an all right job. Ben Stiller is his usual lackluster comedy person who does all the same things persona. He hasn't put in a stellar performance since Mr Furious in Mystery Men as far as i'm concerned. Owen Wilson continues to delight me. His style of acting is geniunely funny and refreshing. I lauch at all of his funny faces, his voice, heck everything.
Too bad Cowpiewood butchered the whole Starsky and Hutch old school coolness vibe when they made this. It is a shell of the TV show. What really made me lauch is that some of the people I was with didn't even recognize the real Starsky and Hutch when they popped on the scene dressed in the SAME exact clothes. Makes me wonder sometimes.
But I give this one a 5. Semi funny in a mindless sort of way. May be alot better is you are drunk or stoned. There were some really funny parts but they were as about as frequent as waterholes in Hidalgo.
1 zzzzzzzzzz (no face) for my great nap.
for the semi interesting plot
for..... really nothing, just liked the face
and 1
for Owen Wilson. Great funny guy.
I got another one for you.
Starsky and Hutch.....
Well I did NOT want to go see this one but when majority rules the little man gets fucked. So I got fucked. Off we went to see this masterpiece of crapola.
I get there and sleep through the first 30 minutes, and I mean hardcore sleep with drool and all. But funny things happened when I woke up. It wasn't all that bad. Sure it is yet another attempt by Stinkywood to generate some cash flow in these terrible time of movies. But it was decently funny.
Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller star in the roles of one of TV's forgotten semi cop comedy drama thingys. They did an all right job. Ben Stiller is his usual lackluster comedy person who does all the same things persona. He hasn't put in a stellar performance since Mr Furious in Mystery Men as far as i'm concerned. Owen Wilson continues to delight me. His style of acting is geniunely funny and refreshing. I lauch at all of his funny faces, his voice, heck everything.
Too bad Cowpiewood butchered the whole Starsky and Hutch old school coolness vibe when they made this. It is a shell of the TV show. What really made me lauch is that some of the people I was with didn't even recognize the real Starsky and Hutch when they popped on the scene dressed in the SAME exact clothes. Makes me wonder sometimes.
But I give this one a 5. Semi funny in a mindless sort of way. May be alot better is you are drunk or stoned. There were some really funny parts but they were as about as frequent as waterholes in Hidalgo.
1 zzzzzzzzzz (no face) for my great nap.


and 1

God, I love Mystery Men! I thought he was funny in The Royal Tanenbaums, too. Starsky and Hutch looks awful, though. I'm glad you saw it instead of me.

i do like owen wilson a lot, i don't think there's anything i've seen him in that i didn't like. he's very interesting.