I have been thinking of making a brand new myspace with a different URL. Of course everything will remain the same but just a new URL. I'm not for sure though because I have way to many friends and comments on the one that I have but I would like for my URL to have my model name that I have chosen. I suppose that...
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Hope you have a fantastic holiday dollface! kiss kiss kiss
Any BIG plans for The New Year???
It's almost 3 am and I can NOT sleep. uuugghhh lol That pisses me off!! lmaoooo I love my sleep. Anyway, I just thought that I would write since I am awake. I have alot of plans that I will be doing when I get my huge check. hehe One of them is, possibly, getting a boob job. Not for sure just yet because I...
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oo la la, i like the new pics.
REALLY sorry that I haven't posted anything lately. Just moved back home!! It feels sooooo good to be home. Anyway, my other halves computer (internet connection) wasn't working right, so I couldn't get on here to do anything! That sucked big time! lol Well, obviously I figured it out so now I can get on here. Yippy! Thanxoxo for all of your comments and compliments,...
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I have tried to contact this one girl that is willing to shoot some sets for girls but I haven't heard anything back yet. She lives really close to my home town but I am still searching for someone closer, if that's possible. I haven't found ANYONE near my home town. This is really starting to suck, big time!! frown I am hoping that my girl...
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thanks so much for adding me biggrin your a hotty
it would be great to see you as an sg on this site your a real hotty
Well, this coming Wednesday is when I will meet a real close family friend in North Carolina, where he's from, and stay the night there. Then that following morning, him and I are going to start heading back to my hometown!! I can NOT wait to walk into my mother's door and be bombarded by my children! lol They still have no idea when mommy...
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Snow Storms in NC???

I'm sure you can't wait to see your little ones...Good Luck with that.
Cant wait for the sets....I need a vehicle too.
1 Love,Juan
Today I finally found one of my best friends in the whole world in the myspace world!! I am soooo excited. I have known him since the 5th grade!! I will be going home soon!! 2 weeks left! I am counting the days. It can NOT get here fast enough!! whatever I plan on partying hard for my birthday (Nov. 30)!! WOOHOO! biggrin lmaoooo I will be...
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I hop everything goes well for your b day,thanx for your wonderfull day.have one or two yourself smile
Well, today was okay. I sat around not doing a damn thing!! lol Just thinking of how I am going to get home. I think I have an awesome idea for the next set I send in. I hope that they like it. But that will be sent in sometime in Janurary. I was also thinking of becoming a photography, as well. I think that...
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Today I am feeling pretty good! I can't wait to head home for the holidays!! I am thinking of some awesome new sets to send in and hopefully they like 'em and will accept them. Not really much else to say. lol Chow <3
Today is a good day. I am glad you are feeling good. Much luck on the new sets.

Be well and be happy.
I love to see a Set from you...