Morning folks. I'm having an incredibly productive morning this morning. I've done two hours of drafting and ridden 14km and it's only 10am. I need to get up early more often.
In other news, I've had a few sets go into MR recently (and there are so many more on the way!) It's a little bit hard to believe just how many sets @countessa and I have organised, shot and edited in the past six months.
The most recent set in MR is my good friend @harvest, with her debut set Slow Down. I think a lot of you are going to like this set a lot. Harvest is pretty frickin' rad.
Here's a few shots from the set:
You should definitely take the rest of the day off to go and have a look at this set. And maybe the sets I'm about to talk about as well.
We're planning another shoot soon (as soon as I can find the time. It's been incredibly hectic lately). It's going to be on this gorgeous old pair of bridges out in the bush. I'm pretty excited about it. Here's a shot of me scouting the location:
@pebblezink's most recent set also recently went into MR: Sweet Nothing. If you haven't already, you should go and have a look. Pebblezink has had a brilliant career as an SG with two front page sets in the past year. I'm barracking for her to have a third though, because there is never enough Pebblezink on the front page ;)
Also in MR this weekend was the debut set from @sunflower (also @benjiwa's debut set for that matter!
There's been so much anticipation and excitement about this set. And holy dooly does it deliver. Fantastic work guys.
Here's some shots. Go and look at the set for more amazingness.
Also coming up very very soon (right in the middle of the SGAU Party shenanigans in fact) is @twiggy's next set: La Chaise Noire. Plan your next week around this so you don't miss out.
Here's a few previews:
We also recently shot a set with @_kettle while we were in town. It's a fair while off (the queue is 4 months long, which is just mindblowing). It'll get here eventually though: Lovers' Eyes.
Here's some sneak peeks:
Perhaps some of you recognise the location as the same place I shot @puffin about a year ago for her first front page set. Sydney really has some amazing beaches and ocean cliffs.
I'm also going to throw in a sneak preview of @vorpal's set which we shot at the Melbourne shootfest back in July. It'll be out in late november I think. She's been a bit unwell lately, so you should go and give her some love and well wishes while you're waiting for her set to come out.
That's all for now. I've found a bunch of candids from the Melbourne shootfest on my phone, so I'm going to have to do another blog soon to put them up. Sorry I'm taking so long @christina.