They say friends come and go, but family is forever.....
Well I've had far more luck with friends. My family are a disgrace.
What a pack of knaves, peasants, thieves, drunks, religious lunatics and thundering idiots. I'm embarrassed to know them, let alone share genetics with them.
I don't even know where to begin..... it's not so much the fact that my cousin was caught in the act of ransacking my mother's house, or the fact that he's stolen around $20,000 of antique furniture and trashed the's more the fact that half the family is rallying around him and defending him.
I don't know why I've persisted with these people for so long. I'm fucking glad I don't live in that town anymore....the peasants and fools can have it. Only problem with that approach is my poor Ma and sister still live there and have no intention of leaving. My old man (who is one of the miserable shits in the list above) used to call it the Valley of Tears. Probably the only thing he's been right about in his life.
Something about the place just seems to breed madness and despair, feuds and hatred, alcoholism and stupidity. When I look into the history I see a once proud family on a steady path to the bottom, and it's only now we're out that I realise it and thank the Gods it all finally fell in a heap without dragging me down with it.
I'm not usually prone to these sorts of rants on SG....but as you can imagine, I can't exactly post this on facebook just yet. And the stupidity has just reached a deafening crescendo.
The only consolation at this stage is that the police are involved, my cousin and his mate have left prints everywhere, and he was caught in the act by a disinterested, professional third party who has made statements to that effect.
Here's hoping the Smalltown Police Department has a shred of competency with which to prosecute the case.