So Countessa's set has gone live, and we're both a little overwhelmed at the response. She's had 750 comments in less than 24 hours, with 99% saying 'pink!' There have been positive comments from such illustrious figures as Dot, tmronin and MartyDistortion. And not only are people (rightly) commenting on how succulently GAWJUS Countessa is, they're also saying pretty things about my photography. Which is pretty nice, considering that when I went to Japan, I double exposed half my films, and the rest mostly consisted of my thumb across the image.
So now all I wanna do is get out and take some photos, of anything and everything, especially since the light is so pretty about now. But I have to do some essay writing. Anyway, I'll cheat here and show some pics from the set, seeing as I haven't uploaded any other stuff I've been photographing. Κοιτάξτε!
Countessa - Australia
By the way, thanks for all the kudos. I'll have to get on with shooting a new Countessa set soon. Anyone wanna buy me a lighting set up?
So now all I wanna do is get out and take some photos, of anything and everything, especially since the light is so pretty about now. But I have to do some essay writing. Anyway, I'll cheat here and show some pics from the set, seeing as I haven't uploaded any other stuff I've been photographing. Κοιτάξτε!
Countessa - Australia

By the way, thanks for all the kudos. I'll have to get on with shooting a new Countessa set soon. Anyone wanna buy me a lighting set up?
and i told them in the car over that they were invited and youd be messaging them, awesome!
haha look how rugged up we are, this moring was so cold!
but sir if you are talking about the first and last pictures that are really well rendered then larissa would be incredibly offended, seeing as her drawings and paintings far surpass those of that girl.
but if youre talking about the crude caricatures, then britty should be offended.