the motherfuckin EBOLA virus got me.
beware: strange 24 hour stomach flu circulating about; HIGHLY contagious.
i spent all last night throwing up and shitting SIMULTANEOUSLY.
i didn't even know that was possible.
but it is, and now i've been cleansed.
i got it from my homie that works at UPS, so it's probably terrorist related.
i was up all night, and then i had...
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Now I am very frightened.
The terms "right" and "wrong" don't really apply in modern society. Legality has replaced morality.
Q: if someone wants my opinion on something, shouldn't they ask for it? is there anything cheaper or more widely available than opinions? seawater?

story of my life is as follows: studying for exams this week: Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry.

FRIDAY: getting fucked up with some good friends.

next week: two more exams: Organic Chemistry Lab, and Statistics.

Optional: ZENtertainment: talent of which i am a...
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B+ on organic chemistry for a sum total of a B+ so far in the class, which is (pardon me) pretty disappointing.
let's see how i do tomorrow.
whoops. that was meant to be a journal entry. i must be tired. MY HEART ISN'T IN THIS ONE. SORRY COACH.
so... i fixed my own side view mirror (see journal entry a while back where i thought knocking over trashcans with a honda civic was possible [i was fucked up]), with some epoxy, and now i think i'm gonna try and fix the rest of the shit myself, simply cos i don't like getting ANALLY RAPED (figuratively) by body shops.
other than that, trying to keep my nose to the grind whilst the homies are on spring break and no doubt getting drunk and enjoying themselves.
as a side note, i'd like to start chatting up all the pretty girls i see on this website. goddamn. starting with the smart ones, cos i think there might be one or two of you out there. maybe.
i just went to a screening of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and it was pretty good.
i guess my expectations were pretty high. i think it was pretty good though.
i finished the shining, the book. quite different from the movie, but i like them both. and they complement each other in a strange way.
that shelley duvall, you know that bittersweet song...
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hey... I liked "Punch Drunk Love"... but I haven't been going to too many movies lately so that was one of the l;ast things I actually saw at the theaters.

In regards to "The Shining" movie... I've had two seperate people this week ask me what's up with the bear... lol confused
my fears are confirmed. i have failed.
i am dropping the Honors Senior Thesis class, and will receive a W on the transcript for my laziness.
and that's really what it is, let's call a spade a spade. i'm too fucking lazy to write this shit. i certainly didn't make it easy on myself, but if i really really wanted to, i could write something....
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damn yo....

talk to me
spring break. ahhh the clichs, the LIES.
MTV and various other cultural tautological institutions had convinced me that spring break in college was all about going to the fuckin beach and taking advantage of young drunk girls.
however, i have yet to experience said spring break.
you could take this "spring break" for example, where i have to write a 30+ page thesis cos i...
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not too bad. next week will be shitty, and the following, even shittier, but if i can get through that shit, i'll be set for a minute.
in the meantime though, getting high and skateboarding.
working for the cash that they already spent! you remember that crass song right?
such is life. except in reverse. cos you could spend your entire fucking life saving up (literally and metaphorically) for that special time when you can enjoy.
life is what happens whilst making other plans and a dream deferred is like a turd, in the sun.
long pause....
i'm looking...
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Do we have a Kool Keith fans group? I think we should.