Alright today Im getting a little political. Recently I was looking at some undergraduates proposals for how to reform Canada health care, it was suggested that perhaps creating a more privatized health care system, like the US could alleviate some of the issues, like waiting lists, and funding for health. Unfortunately there is little empirical support for any of these, and there is some evidence...
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Today I think I will focus on writing a comprehensible blog. Lol. I was just reading my last blog and it barely makes sense. But I don't think you all can really blame me, I was writing a paper at the time and my mind was fried.

Anyways the paper is done, but then my prof made an off handed comment about hating papers that...
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It is widely held that mental properties supervene or in some way depend on the physical. In addition it seems that every physical effect has some physical cause. In addition it would seem that it is not always the case that there are two causes for any effect; or systematic overdetermination is false. But if all of these are true it would seem that mental...
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Well I got it a few days ago, it has been a long wait, but with a knock on the door at least one of my dreams has come true. The heavy box was delivered to my address and I had skipped class to await its arrival. I opened the boxes and there it was, an XPS M1730, in all its processing glory. It has...
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I saw Paul Blart: Mallcop the other day. It wasn't that great to be honest. If you find an overweight man being a mediocre hero funny then by all means you might love this show, but for me my laughter can be summed up in a grunt and a shrug.

Class went okay today, but it is incredibly dry discussing analytical philosophy of mind. Yet,...
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Wow, it has been a while since I have blogged. I suppose because I barely do anything during the winter except read and try to stay warm. It would have been nice if I had a nice warm human body to cuddle with, but I guess my pup will have to do this winter. Sorry if this blog is tangent-esque, but a lot has happened...
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Not a bad band a all. Just got back from the library; I'm trying to figure out what everyone's fascination with the twilight series. So far I suppose I can kind of get why people like it. But pure obsession I can't understand.
good song!

i misses you! frown
Well, recently I have been kind of neglecting my blog, for not apparent reason. However since i'm extremely bored at the moment I thought I might contribute. I've decided to see how good I can get at playing chess. Yes it's nerdy but when I was younger I was an extremely good natural player. I had no formal training in the game, nor did I...
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So there's this girl named rav, she's hot stuff. I kind of want to touch her bottom. In conclusion, I'll keep you posted on how all that is going. So far, nothing.
I totally saw some kid driving today that looked just you--
unfortunately he was driving too fast for me to get out and hump frown
LURKER! wink
Ahh physicalism, the theory that every concrete object is physical. Simple enough? Don't count on it. I'm learning it's one of the most complicated metaphysical subjects there is. You can imagine my confusion right now. Oh well, I guess I'll go read more.
Well I've been away for a while but here's a little update. The sleep study went fine. I guess i'm supposed to take these muscle relaxants before i go to sleep to relax a little. It seems to be working. I've been listening to a lot of canadian hardcore lately. Bands I like include The cancer bats and alexisonfire. The former are just amazing live,...
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whatcha hate chat or somethin?

you know what im talking about

i *am* keeping track of attendance in there LOL tongue kiss
here's my tangent-esqu blog for the day

Well, it's summer holidays. I have a job mentoring inner city youth, so I'll probably be teaching some philosophy to them while giving drum lessons. I'm reading a bunch of stuff this summer; mainly in philosophy of mind. Hmm what else? Puppy got his shots yesterday and we wrestled today when i got up, i won yet again....
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you have a lot of things going on in your life.
never met u but i would like to!!!!!

biggrin biggrin
I know what it's like not to be able to sleep cause your head just won't be quiet. It's not fun at all. I ended up having to go on tablets that lower my blood pressure, to calm me down and help me sleep! Good luck!!