so i have been MIA for a few days. Thursday after work i went to Dons house and we went to Karaoke. Friday me, don, and eric spent the day between pork, this:
, and this:
ecept we were playing on xbox. And don and i decided the next tattoos im going to get. Hes going to do a pair of flintlocks on me. flintlocks= teh hotness.
. today i went to work and felt like cuttng people. Actually yesterday and today. I feel like im getting an anurism or something. work and life in general have been stressing me out to no end. I need a way out but i cant get to one. living with my mom again is getting trying my danmedest to suck up and take it, but man its getting hard....ive started doing some research on personality disorders. The more i read about different ones, the more i feel as if i may have one. *shrugs* i feel like my head is going to explode right now. So im hopping off and going to take a shower, wash my hair, and go to bed.

hope everything works out for you and you start feeling better