Is there anything more disapointing then not having experienced anything worthwhile in 4 days to talk about? Actually, I'm sure there is. Plenty of horribly disapointing and depressing things that would make even the most self-proclaimed emotionally tough individuals weep uncontrollable tears of sorrow and misery at the shear mention of such disapointment.
However in the present-time and immediate not-at-all distant future existing in the entirely self-centered and limiting naive bubble that is my life at this exact moment (or now, ok, now, now now, this second) it is incredibly disapointing. I wanted to experience something enlightening and possibly life-changing, or at least worth a cheap laugh, but instead I simply came out empty handed.
I have never done this.
However in the present-time and immediate not-at-all distant future existing in the entirely self-centered and limiting naive bubble that is my life at this exact moment (or now, ok, now, now now, this second) it is incredibly disapointing. I wanted to experience something enlightening and possibly life-changing, or at least worth a cheap laugh, but instead I simply came out empty handed.
I have never done this.
And also, I don't think I've experienced anything worth talking about in the last 3 weeks. We should start a club.
My stomach is doing much better actually. But when can I get this lesson on sweet talking? I have a feeling I'll be needing it in the future... my stomach gets to be pretty cranky sometimes.
I suppose the stagette wasn't too bad of a way to spend a Friday. Except that the majority of the night I was handcuffed to a chair. Where the handcuffs came from, I may never know... but the long and short of the story though, is that my friend thought it would be funny to fasten the cuffs to the chair, then to my wrist... she failed to ensure that keys were present however. Good thing I'm the next Houdini or something.
Hope you enjoyed my rambling.
[Edited on Jul 23, 2005 5:11PM]