so I'm out running, right? as I tend to do in the evenings. avoiding the glaring sun, and all. though lately I have been walking mostly with a touch of running....still have walking pneumonia, and I don't want to kill myself just yet.
(I should have prefaced this story with a bit of info: I got new ink this week. a chest piece....monday and tuesday. which you'll see in a minute.)
so in one of my walking bouts...I am COMPLETELY minding my own business, listening to my tunes, and some assball jumps out in front of me on the sidewalk.
I stop and kind of glare up, and it is this middle aged man, who looks like he just stepped off of the Jimmy Buffet cruise ship, or something.
he doesn't I take off my headphones and just keep looking at him.
he reaches a hand out and POKES MY CHEST with four fingers, and says (in an accent that sounds remarkably like Jeff Foxworth, or whatever his name is) "did that HURT?!"
now, please. tell me what you would have said.
or what you think I should have said.
I can't take the suspense.
I rasied my hand up, poked HIM IN THE CHEST HARD, and said "no, not at all. it is like being licked by a fucking bunch of fuzzy soft kittens. you idiot."
to which his partners in hawaiian shirt crime burst out in laughter.
I mean, what the fuck. of fucking course it hurt. AND DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!!!
so here are some pics.
pic numbert one, is me in NYC, where I went for 24 hours to go to a record release party for Pray for the Soul of Betty (CONSTANTINE'S bAND! YEAH!) keep the comments to yourself....I had been awake about 36 hours and had been drinking for about 8.
pic number two, is my new hair. ORANGE (fuck you, it isn't RED.
pic number bad ass new ink. (ignore the wicked bruising.)
pic number combo bad ass new ink and bad ass new hair.
I had something else cool to say.....but I forgot. what a shocker.
miss you guys.....
(I have no fucking quote to go here....because some boy distracted me. SUE HIS ASS.)
(I should have prefaced this story with a bit of info: I got new ink this week. a chest piece....monday and tuesday. which you'll see in a minute.)
so in one of my walking bouts...I am COMPLETELY minding my own business, listening to my tunes, and some assball jumps out in front of me on the sidewalk.
I stop and kind of glare up, and it is this middle aged man, who looks like he just stepped off of the Jimmy Buffet cruise ship, or something.
he doesn't I take off my headphones and just keep looking at him.
he reaches a hand out and POKES MY CHEST with four fingers, and says (in an accent that sounds remarkably like Jeff Foxworth, or whatever his name is) "did that HURT?!"

now, please. tell me what you would have said.
or what you think I should have said.
I can't take the suspense.
I rasied my hand up, poked HIM IN THE CHEST HARD, and said "no, not at all. it is like being licked by a fucking bunch of fuzzy soft kittens. you idiot."
to which his partners in hawaiian shirt crime burst out in laughter.
I mean, what the fuck. of fucking course it hurt. AND DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!!!
so here are some pics.
pic numbert one, is me in NYC, where I went for 24 hours to go to a record release party for Pray for the Soul of Betty (CONSTANTINE'S bAND! YEAH!) keep the comments to yourself....I had been awake about 36 hours and had been drinking for about 8.
pic number two, is my new hair. ORANGE (fuck you, it isn't RED.

pic number bad ass new ink. (ignore the wicked bruising.)
pic number combo bad ass new ink and bad ass new hair.

I had something else cool to say.....but I forgot. what a shocker.
miss you guys.....
(I have no fucking quote to go here....because some boy distracted me. SUE HIS ASS.)
Nice work by the way.
hope to see ya soon