So, coincidence has it that I've ended up bored on a Sunday and writing another blog on SG! hmmmm....
The drift day I went to on Wednesday was fucking awesome, I really got to put my car through it's paces and identify some areas which need attention... It also really put me through my paces, I bashed my knees to shit and span the car a hell of a lot! I was soooo tired when I got home aswell!
Most of the rest of the week has been boring, and involved working (boooo!
), I really can't remember what I did Friday night, which is a little worrying, but Saturday night was spent in the local rock club... Although I was sober, it was far too hot and I smoked waaaayyyy too much! I'm vowing to quit again now - and so far I haven't smoked at all today!
oh, Saturday I also got a hair cut! "Woooooo!" I hear you all say? Well, this is only news because of how badly the dude who cut my hair fucked it up, I'm going to have to wear it "down" for ages until my patch grows out, it sucks arse
I really am so pissed off!
Well, I'm sure there won't be many people who read this, but if you are and you have a suggestion for relieving my boredom, please feel free to comment me and share it!
The drift day I went to on Wednesday was fucking awesome, I really got to put my car through it's paces and identify some areas which need attention... It also really put me through my paces, I bashed my knees to shit and span the car a hell of a lot! I was soooo tired when I got home aswell!
Most of the rest of the week has been boring, and involved working (boooo!

oh, Saturday I also got a hair cut! "Woooooo!" I hear you all say? Well, this is only news because of how badly the dude who cut my hair fucked it up, I'm going to have to wear it "down" for ages until my patch grows out, it sucks arse

Well, I'm sure there won't be many people who read this, but if you are and you have a suggestion for relieving my boredom, please feel free to comment me and share it!

Boredom Relief: Download Flight of the Conchords series. Laugh Lots. Thank Me. End Of.