So far today I have mostly slept. This is to make up for my complete lack of sleep on my extremely busy weekend.
For those of you who don't know, I'm a staff member of a national car club, the weekend just gone was our annual weekender and charity event supporting Orchid. We went to Prescott hill climb over near Cheltenham, it's owner by the...
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For those of you who don't know, I'm a staff member of a national car club, the weekend just gone was our annual weekender and charity event supporting Orchid. We went to Prescott hill climb over near Cheltenham, it's owner by the...
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Glad you had a grand time! Hope that smoky whiff has departed.
no not the bahamas, it's the southern part of thailand 

So I've just realised, my last blog was way back on the 31st may
Now fair enough I've been pretty damn busy over the last month, but I hadn't realised it'd been so long!
So, my friends car is FINALLY out of my garage and is currently having a few finishing touches performed for it's MOT... I so pleased that it's finally finished and that...
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So, my friends car is FINALLY out of my garage and is currently having a few finishing touches performed for it's MOT... I so pleased that it's finally finished and that...
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Thanks man, I did and no doubt will do so again.
yehh im all good. i dont have a day off til monday but hey ho, thats the way the cookie crumbles! what du do? x
It's almost been a couple of weeks since my last blog, so time for a bit of an update! 
I haven't really been up to much if I'm honest - work, cars and booze have been the main things ensuring that I'm not sitting around doing nothing...
Plus notes have been that my mates car now moves under it's own power!
So next weekend it...
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I haven't really been up to much if I'm honest - work, cars and booze have been the main things ensuring that I'm not sitting around doing nothing...
Plus notes have been that my mates car now moves under it's own power!

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My boss had a favourite saying after every question put to him. "i'll take that on board". Yeah. right.
hey mate
student loan is just for the fees and u never see it anyway... however, u get a maintainance loan, and possibly a maintainance grant, depending on ur household income/parents support etc...
i took a photo of the bugs - fortuneately my wife has an excellent camera so was able to get a good image... and in the end, the accepted it and are going to get me a replacement
trouble is, that I kinda need a bigger monitor now, so ill probs just put it straight up onto ebay when i get it 
student loan is just for the fees and u never see it anyway... however, u get a maintainance loan, and possibly a maintainance grant, depending on ur household income/parents support etc...
i took a photo of the bugs - fortuneately my wife has an excellent camera so was able to get a good image... and in the end, the accepted it and are going to get me a replacement

So today we had a letter from the divisional director outlining the figures we have to achieve to get a bonus this year and unfortunately, it's not looking good at all... Basically we're not getting a bonus! Stick that on top of the fact that we didn't get a pay rise this year and you get an office full of de-motivated people...
It has got...
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It has got...
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thanks loads for your comment! it made me feel really good about the set, did the phtography myself, so was a bit nervous!! xxxx
also where did you want the flames? and what were they like? standard round your leg style? or part of a piece? xx
So, it's been months since my last blog and I'm not really doing very well at having time to come on here really
Which utterly sucks.
So I've mostly been working on my mates car and up until recently I've been going out and getting very drunk every weekend! I've been on a bit of a health kick and fingers crossed, I'll finally get around...
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So I've mostly been working on my mates car and up until recently I've been going out and getting very drunk every weekend! I've been on a bit of a health kick and fingers crossed, I'll finally get around...
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Thank you =D
I've been on a health kick too! I've recently decided to be a vegetarian lol. we'll see how that goes.. =P
I've been on a health kick too! I've recently decided to be a vegetarian lol. we'll see how that goes.. =P
Yeah I've always wanted to go! I have to say that Cosa Nostra is kinda the exciting part for me! I was one of those weird little kids y'know that instead of wanting to be a ballerina wants to be in the mafia lol. Blame my mother gangster movies

So, at the moment I have the Brighton Tattoo convention coming up at the end of the month, a trip over to an awesome night club in Wolverhampton in the middle of Feb and tickets to go see Rise Against at the beginning of March!
So it looks like the first three months of this year are shaping up quite well. =]
Also (most of...
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So it looks like the first three months of this year are shaping up quite well. =]
Also (most of...
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Aww thanks for the sweet comment hun I dont think the photography is good enough to go live but you never know!!!
Why is it, whenever I seem to write a decent blog on here, I click "post" and it fucks up? Seriosuly, fucking annoying!
So to re-cap on what you've missed out by my blog not posting, I said a few words about 2008, a few about 2009, a few about my friend and had an epic rant about how crap charity advertising is (you would...
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So to re-cap on what you've missed out by my blog not posting, I said a few words about 2008, a few about 2009, a few about my friend and had an epic rant about how crap charity advertising is (you would...
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this is why i ALWAY copy my blog just b4 i post it 
My trip to the states was the single best thing i've ever done ever! it did cost quite a bit tho yeah... but it came from the profit of my house sale when my ex and i split so WIN!
good luck with your resolutions hun! mine are going ok so far.. well the living alone one.. i haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks and i miss it soooo much! just so busy with sorting stuff out tho! i will go this weekend tho... i WILL!
Anyway, speak soon
Em x

My trip to the states was the single best thing i've ever done ever! it did cost quite a bit tho yeah... but it came from the profit of my house sale when my ex and i split so WIN!

good luck with your resolutions hun! mine are going ok so far.. well the living alone one.. i haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks and i miss it soooo much! just so busy with sorting stuff out tho! i will go this weekend tho... i WILL!

Anyway, speak soon

Em x
restless leg syndrome is a real thing, yes
it makes my legs twitch, and it's caused by a lack of dopamine in my brain.
apparently it's supposed to only be old people that get it :/ ahhh who cares if it's unhealthy, i love them too much to give them up, plus, you only live once

apparently it's supposed to only be old people that get it :/ ahhh who cares if it's unhealthy, i love them too much to give them up, plus, you only live once

ok, so I've got my arse online for more than a few minutes and I'm actually experiencing some motivation - so it's blog time!
So what have I been up to? Well, I've mostly been busying myself with work and going out and getting very very drunk. There have been lots of house parties recently, which has been awesome for my finances, the frequency with...
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So what have I been up to? Well, I've mostly been busying myself with work and going out and getting very very drunk. There have been lots of house parties recently, which has been awesome for my finances, the frequency with...
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Lucky for you I know that the video can also be viewed here, because I'm a nerd and Superhero Hype is one of my home tabs.
House parties are the shit but I fear they are melting my mind.
House parties are the shit but I fear they are melting my mind.
Well it's been a little while since I've been on here, mostly because life's been a bit hectic of late!
So mostly I've ben working on my friends car, trying desperately to get it done before the end of the month, but due to him having snapped a couple of bolts on it, it's not looking good...
It was my birthday on Sunday, and yes,...
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So mostly I've ben working on my friends car, trying desperately to get it done before the end of the month, but due to him having snapped a couple of bolts on it, it's not looking good...

It was my birthday on Sunday, and yes,...
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Extreme drunkeness on your birthday is necessary. Happy belated one dude!
I've just sat and wrote a blog, clicked "add blog" and then my net browser decided it'd be funny to mess things up and lose the whole lot!
I am deeply devastated... So I'll write a quick summary of it:
back from Wolverhampton
No free drinks
very drunk anyway
no falling downstairs
so fell down a curb instead
no photos
because O2 are wankers
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I am deeply devastated... So I'll write a quick summary of it:
back from Wolverhampton
No free drinks
very drunk anyway
no falling downstairs
so fell down a curb instead
no photos
because O2 are wankers
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im 27 in 11days i get really fucking confused by things recently.
Maybe this is what happens now.
As for internet, my mother asked me if you can get porn on computers now.
She is practically amish when it comes to technology.
Maybe this is what happens now.
As for internet, my mother asked me if you can get porn on computers now.
She is practically amish when it comes to technology.
Number of squirrels to take down a badger would depend on:
(a) Species of squirrel
(b) Whether said squirrels were armed.
(c) What the badger had done to provoke the squirrels, and
(d) How long since the squirrels last ate.
Assuming a recently fed squadron of unarmed grey squirrels wereannoyed that a badger had wandered into their territory, my best guess is approximately 12-13 squirrels. The pussy red squirrels would need at least twice that number to even come close.

(a) Species of squirrel
(b) Whether said squirrels were armed.
(c) What the badger had done to provoke the squirrels, and
(d) How long since the squirrels last ate.
Assuming a recently fed squadron of unarmed grey squirrels wereannoyed that a badger had wandered into their territory, my best guess is approximately 12-13 squirrels. The pussy red squirrels would need at least twice that number to even come close.

Well it's about time for another blog...
So, this weekend I've spent at a massive car show called JAE. I pretty much spent the entire weekend getting smashed and sunburnt - sometime even doing both at the same time!
I've also come to the end of my time off work, it's been a week of chilling out and I can safely say that at the...
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So, this weekend I've spent at a massive car show called JAE. I pretty much spent the entire weekend getting smashed and sunburnt - sometime even doing both at the same time!
I've also come to the end of my time off work, it's been a week of chilling out and I can safely say that at the...
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if anything i provide people with an education.
my little pig is super cute its hers and her sisters birthday soon I feel bad that April is getting all the blog love I may have to show a picture of the other one 

So, coincidence has it that I've ended up bored on a Sunday and writing another blog on SG! hmmmm....
The drift day I went to on Wednesday was fucking awesome, I really got to put my car through it's paces and identify some areas which need attention... It also really put me through my paces, I bashed my knees to shit and span the car...
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The drift day I went to on Wednesday was fucking awesome, I really got to put my car through it's paces and identify some areas which need attention... It also really put me through my paces, I bashed my knees to shit and span the car...
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Hey Cambridgeshire SG person. Welcome to the club of approximately 3.
Boredom Relief: Download Flight of the Conchords series. Laugh Lots. Thank Me. End Of.
Boredom Relief: Download Flight of the Conchords series. Laugh Lots. Thank Me. End Of.
HA!! Thanks!
Honestly it was literally a case of "Hmmm they've got bigger...I wonder if I can....OH."