haha im lucky my periods only last 2 days and woo hoo its all over so by time mr eldiablo arrive all will be good hes in for a treat this weekend
how are you doing?

thank you
Yeah.. I know wheaton hires a lot and stuff.. but it's summer now n' everythanggg.. and all them kids out of school are taking all the job oportunities. thanks for the advice thought. =]
Always appriciated..
Jesh <3
Always appriciated..
Jesh <3
Thanks bunches for the comment doll face ! i'm a fan of your new inky. I so sorry to hear about your buddy, i wish i had some advice to give but i haven't been in that exact situation - i'll just send good thoughts your way.
Whats up whats up all
Just got some ink done yeah it took an hour and half but man it was worth it I'll post a pix when I re-edit my blog.
I want to go out tonite but I went over spending so I'm gonna watch saturday evening cartoons yeah gonna sit back have a beer or 2.
Have a safe weekend all....
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Just got some ink done yeah it took an hour and half but man it was worth it I'll post a pix when I re-edit my blog.
I want to go out tonite but I went over spending so I'm gonna watch saturday evening cartoons yeah gonna sit back have a beer or 2.
Have a safe weekend all....
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i'm doing alright. i could be better. but, that's the usual.
can't wait to see your new ink.
can't wait to see your new ink.

i'm totally gonna make the angry muppets picture a screen saver !

Hey what all been having a slow week nothing new so far.
Wanted to go out last night but I was broke {FUCK}
I wanted to raise some hell anywho
Go shoot a pickel.
Wanted to go out last night but I was broke {FUCK}

Go shoot a pickel.
haha, sure. like what?
pickle shot
Whats shakin y'all today I called out I just was so tired from working a 3 day weekend
Yeah my A.C. is busted have change the filter or get it repaired???????????
Gonna go out to adam's morgen tonitejust wanted to socailize with other ppl my own age.
Peace out y'all

Yeah my A.C. is busted have change the filter or get it repaired???????????
Gonna go out to adam's morgen tonitejust wanted to socailize with other ppl my own age.
Peace out y'all
Q: who am i looking for / A : sometimes he has a face sometimes he's just a feeling , sometimes i think i've met him, but half of me knows that i haven't.

did you find the inked mag?
Whats tha hizzel my nizzel
Today was a real tough day I had to change a room and some 1 was helping me but the thing is he real new he's been working with us with non-humane primates for 3 months but he's still doesn't know how things work
Yeah we where jumping a monkey from the old dirty cage to the new...
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Today was a real tough day I had to change a room and some 1 was helping me but the thing is he real new he's been working with us with non-humane primates for 3 months but he's still doesn't know how things work

Yeah we where jumping a monkey from the old dirty cage to the new...
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awwww!! thank you for the lovely birthday wishes!!!

Ok today I was gonna get some ink done but when I got there it was close so I still got 260 doller on me so I was thinking I could spend this money on a new tattoo or spend it on food for 2 weeks for me and my mom.
I a got haircut today lil bit shorter in my profile pix.
Later Gater
I a got haircut today lil bit shorter in my profile pix.
Later Gater

i think you should spend the money on expensive interent porn...
but that's just me.
but that's just me.

its okay, i dont really feel too bad actually, besides being really fucking bored all day, wasting gas on driving around putting in applications, worrying about bills, then waiting around for my boyfriend to get home. my mom said she'd pay my phone bill if i cleaned her house. im actually supposed to be doing that right now
Well it saturday really early in the morning man I went to bed at 6 yesterday
Had a tough 2 days I really don't want to get into it I work up
Yeah a lil later gonna have breakfast at mickyD's don't know what I'm gonna do the whole weekend but I know there gonna be alot of beer
Happy drinken ya'll

Had a tough 2 days I really don't want to get into it I work up

Yeah a lil later gonna have breakfast at mickyD's don't know what I'm gonna do the whole weekend but I know there gonna be alot of beer

Happy drinken ya'll

Hihi, do I really look pissed in all of them.. maybe a little tired, w that I could agree
But thanks for the comment anyway!
But thanks for the comment anyway!
lol stuffers is anything, but I figured out what Im doing, dying my hair, cleaning/washing clothes, then cooking a huge meal for noone to eat it, lol -=]
It weds. my dayoff had breakfast at mickyd's man the food so delicious
I'm gonna chill out all morning don't know what to do next I'll problaby get a haircut and some games don't know what I'm gonna be doing today but it's gonna be relaxful
Pease out ya'll

I'm gonna chill out all morning don't know what to do next I'll problaby get a haircut and some games don't know what I'm gonna be doing today but it's gonna be relaxful

Pease out ya'll

^_^ thanks for the welcome note, you're the first person to comment on my blog! w00t for you. Nice to meet ya! ^_~
everyone on this site who has looked in my pics has seen me naked....
What up all I work the whole weekend yeah it sux but on the good side I'm off wed.
Get 2 sleep in late and have breakfast at mickyD's
Right now I'm watching t.v. haven a beer or 2 anyway later all
Get 2 sleep in late and have breakfast at mickyD's

Right now I'm watching t.v. haven a beer or 2 anyway later all
jammy sod
love ya xxx

I haven't eated McDonalds in 17 months
Some days I crave it but I just cant bring myself to eating it since seeing "supersize me"


Alot has happen since I left S.G. not much But I've grown a bit mostly I've been on myspace alot got more friends there then here but I can wait
Anywho I got to work this weekend it sux but I need the money try not to complain too much.
Thursday I had an interview at hot topic it went real good I was suppose...
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Anywho I got to work this weekend it sux but I need the money try not to complain too much.
Thursday I had an interview at hot topic it went real good I was suppose...
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Just watchin one of my tv shows...good times always, but no beer here
, yes its tragic i know..

no shyt it sucks to have no beer in my place, i think its the first time in years....what was i thinking....